Squiggly line art in you tube movies. How do they do that?

I suck so I don't have any examples. But you have all seen a youtube video where the text and or line art (stick figures or the like) all wiggle a bit to give motion to an otherwise static image.

How do they do that voodoo that they do so well?


Cardin McKinney is pretty.



So there is no photoshop affect that can do this with simple line drawings? I am not talking about true motion but very similar to the Dr Katz cartoon (what a piece of garbage that show was).
Squigglevision. Draw one frame with squiggly lines without any attention to your squiggling. Draw the next 10^7 frames the same way. Profit.
I am pretty sure it is an unintentional side effect for people that cannot draw amazingly.
I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about, but im assuming you're talking about the background they are standing in front of?

If so, green screen + background image/video loop