Spry died of an apparent brain aneurysm

brain hax²


or you could do a more formal based title for spry and members to come



i mean think about it guys, we're obviously not going anywhere for awhile, yankee is getting up there... we gotta start planning our demise now.
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:( He was one of the coolest guys from TW I've ever met. ChiLAN wouldn't have been the same without. Now I feel bad that I tore his ass up so bad in the duel tourney :(

You will be missed Spry :( I will never forget your Wii Bowling skills :( And all the nights playing CS:S with Telia and Maka. :(
Why the fuck would you feel bad about being better than someone at a video game because they died?
I'm 100% sure that anyone from TW would expect nothing less than a cavalcade of ridiculously inappropriate jokes upon the event of their unexpected death. I know I have always wanted to die in a way that would make a funny story for people not especially close to me. RIP.
i knew refried would come into this thread to make a point of how little he cared

and nspectre is an idiot for linking that guestbook on tw if his friends and families are going to read it