Spring 2004 Grades


Veteran XV
what'd you hoes get?

this is what I pulled.
CDA 3201 001 Computer Logic Design Tampa A 3.000
CDA 3201L 001 Computer Logic Design Lab Tampa A 1.000
EEL 4851C 001 Data Structures Tampa A 3.000
EGN 4450 001 Introduction to Linear Systems Tampa A- 2.000
STA 4442 001 Introduction to Probability Tampa B-
Them's some good grades.

Mine'll be up at about 5:30am, I just hope I keep my 3.0 (at a 3.022 or somesuch currently)
Thanks Reno, I bout shit a brick when I found out I got A's in the three hardest classes Ive taken so far.
A Fcl 380 Legal Environment
A Acty 324 Introductory Tax Accounting
Ba Bus 375 Business Process Productivity
Ba Acty 310 Financial Accountg I
Ba Cis 464 Business Data Mining
Last edited:
EE563 Wavelets and Filter Banks - B
EE597 Digital Speech Signal Processing - A-
EE553 Statistical Signal Processing - Hoping for A-
Well it only goes A, BA, B, CB, C, CD, D, F, so i guess a BA could be exactly between an A and a B on a standard high school scale.
I've gotten A's in my last two classes, and I graduate teh 27th, yay for chump classes Creative Writing and Bio 2 = 3.56 GPA overall
So I was just looking through my heat transfer homeworks, and I'm getting concerned.

I kicked ass on the tests but didn't do so well on the homework. Never do well on homework in any class, always significantly above avg on exams. wtf
Reno said:
So I was just looking through my heat transfer homeworks, and I'm getting concerned.

I kicked ass on the tests but didn't do so well on the homework. Never do well on homework in any class, always significantly above avg on exams. wtf
Same here.
all I know so far is:

A - Physcology 101
B - English 102
History 202, Music 110, and Trig are still up in the air
Calculus of One Variable II - C
Physics with Calculus I - B
Engineering Principles II - C
General Chemistry II - A
Composition II - A