Spend $10 you cheap asses

Isn't it so completely and utterly unsurprising that the biggest douches on the forum are the ones coming up with the weakest excuses to not contribute? :lol:
You should have seen him in IRC begging Rayn to unban him.

And getting the other Douche Patrol people to beg with him. (gigafool, naptown, etc.)
Isn't it so completely and utterly unsurprising that the biggest douches on the forum are the ones coming up with the weakest excuses to not contribute? :lol:

I'd rather save my 10 bucks and give it to UNICEF than give it to Tribalwar. I can think of a million different organizations who could use my 10 bucks better than Tribalwar can.

Better yet, I'd rather save my 10 bucks and have an extra $10 in my wallet.

If I couldn't log onto the forums unless I paid 10 bucks I still would not pay.

Paying I mean "donating" for the search function is as dumb as paying monthly to play WoW.

Are those good enough excuses?

People can do what they want with their money. I don't understand why other contributors are exercising peer pressure to try to get others to "contribute" as well. If you can justify your $10 and think Tribalwar has given you a lot this half a decade than that's your initiative. Don't bother with mine.