Spells missing from bar when switching specs?


Resident Freak
Veteran XV
My main is an 80 Feral Druid. She's dual-specced for bear and kitty. I'm currently using Bartender4 for my action bars. Everything works fine when switching forms and having the bars page properly. The issue I have is when I change my spec. Most times what will happen is that the form I'm in as well as the caster form bars will be fine. The other form will be missing a spell or two. Typically it's Mangle and/or Feral Charge, but I've also seen Rip and Shred not show up as well. While this isn't a game-stopping deal, it does mean that if I change specs and forget to double check the bars for each form, I can run into problems later on.

Is there something I'm not doing correctly in terms of setting up Bartender or is this to do with learning/unlearning spells when changing specs and I'll just have to live with it?
It's a bug in talent switching. Supposedly there's an issue where if you have a trainable single point skill that has multiple spell levels it can bug out and not reassign talent points from that point in the tree forward. Check your talents and you'll probably find unspent points, which coincides with the missing spells on the bars. The support forums have a bunch of threads about it, with the typical jump through hoop responses that may or may not correct your particular issue. My paladin had it for a week and a half before I had a GM manually reset them, once I respecced after that it's not occurred since.
IIRC when they implemented dual-spec they also assigned separate toolbars for each spec, maybe that has something to do with it.
i had that problem with bartender vemp when 3.1 hit. it works fine now, but ive updated 3 times since 3.1. I'd suggest trying that, but im assuming you've done that already.