[Sourdough] Achieved

I have wanted to start making my own bread. How hard is making one's own bread?

It's really not too hard. It's tedious though. And don't touch it too much. If you do, it will cause the bread to get really hard the longer it sits out. I mean rock hard break your teeth and kill a cat. This has been my experience at least but I also do everything by hand because I refuse to use any kitchen gadgets.

The "extra tangy" sourdough from KAFs website. Went through a 16-hour retard in the fridge, fed it the last of the flour, and immediately retarded it for another 12 hours or so. The whole mass came out to 1262g, so I split them evenly and proofing in 500g bennetons. I'll probably have to ready the oven earlier, since those are about 630g each. Biggest difference here versus other traditional recipes is there isn't any olive oil in here, some I see mix it in with the dough but I need bread now so I don't have any room to experiment this time.

This time though I intend to brush one with olive oil and the other with the usual water spritz. I know the olive oil will make the crust a lot darker, I just want to see if the oil may somehow keep the crust softer over the long run. While my sourdough seems to have a longer "shelf live" (probably due to the high ph from the sourdough resisting bacterial invasion) the only down side is the crust gets thicker and tough after several days.

The starter I made seems to be very vigorous and seems to proof/get active a lot faster than usual. I know the "San Fransisco" sourdough is ridiculously slow to get going, but I haven't gotten to the point of buying separate starters from online baking shops and see how they work and taste compared to my starter.
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