sorry to start another political thread butttt...

Hot Sabji

This whole situation screams of resemblance to germany at the start of wwII.

No one wanted to intervene and by the time everyone did it was to late.

With tapes of bin ladin instructing suicide attacks, and all this other bullshit, and saddam probably hiding him its about time we fucking take care of business before it becomes something we can't handle.

Its unfortunate but eventually countries will learn they can't take Bin Ladin under their wing or the US will rape you in the ass, and rightfully so.
Hot Sabji said:
[strike]This whole situation screams of resemblance to germany at the start of wwII.

No one wanted to intervene and by the time everyone did it was to late.[/strike]

With tapes of bin ladin instructing suicide attacks, and all this other bullshit, and saddam probably hiding him its about time we fucking take care of business before it becomes something we can't handle.

Its unfortunate but eventually countries will learn they can't take Bin Ladin under their wing or the US will rape you in the ass, and rightfully so.
i agree completely

(has nothing to do with wwII or hitler)
it bears strict resemblance imo. Germany had strict sanctions place on it. Hitler just stepped all over them and noone did anything about it.

Its the same situation i feel.
Hot Sabji said:
it bears strict resemblance imo. Germany had strict sanctions place on it. Hitler just stepped all over them and noone did anything about it.

Its the same situation i feel.
Hitler was commiting genocide and invading other countries. Iraq hasn't attacked anyone since Kuwait.

That isn't to say we shouldn't be taking action (I fully agree that we should), but it's a stretch to say that this situation has much to do with ww2, besides the obvious "stall tactics" part.
the whole genocide part wasnt reveled until near the end of wwII

you have no idea what hes doing...not saying hes commiting genocide im just saying the situation itself bears resemblance.
actually in this instance..the u.s. would probably be a bit closer to germany than iraq/afghanistan. there is just a different motivation, and we arent killing to 'cleanse the motherland'...but as far as brute force tactics and overpowering military force...we got that covered
MightyMonkey said:
If anything the US is closer to Nazi Germany right now than Iraq is.
exactly. that's what I thought this thread was going to be about, because of the 'mezmerize' effect, where we're allowed to do whatever we want, with no opposition. Of course, I don't agree that's the case either, but that's what I thought the argument would be and it makes slightly more sense.
if we did invade it would be:

1. toeradicate saddam
2. also bin ladin.
3. Enforce what the UN never will but should have.
4. help keep peace in the middle east
5. Police a country thats suppposed to be policed but isnt and IS purposely attempting to hide its actions.

The isnt planning on annexing Iraq here, we just want saddam out.

Europe cries america is just trying to import its culture to the rest of the world and bully its way around.

Yea so what the fuck, why not let iraq do what it wants, and let n. korea develop nuclear weapons unhindered.

Thats whats really best for the world.
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Hot Sabji said:
This whole situation screams of resemblance to germany at the start of wwII.

No one wanted to intervene and by the time everyone did it was to late.

With tapes of bin ladin instructing suicide attacks, and all this other bullshit, and saddam probably hiding him its about time we fucking take care of business before it becomes something we can't handle.

Its unfortunate but eventually countries will learn they can't take Bin Ladin under their wing or the US will rape you in the ass, and rightfully so.
That's an argument I use against a lot of people...

"So what, you're saying we should leave Hussein alone?"
"Yes, because that worked so well with Hitler pre-WWII, right?"

For the sake of the Iraqi people, let the peace process go on! I see no appeaement here like in World War 2, only war mongering, by the US and UK, before we are even sure he really has these weapons. The people of Iraq are the ones who will pay in blood for Saddam's mistakes, and if a war and further bloodshed can be avoided, let it be.