Soo.. I'm going to TRY and raise a Praying Mantis (with pics and updates)

I use to keep some exotic mantid species like pink flower mantids and #9 mantids.

They are cheap and easy to keep.

When you decide to have sex with it, and you will, you'll want to bite its head off afterwords.

don't worry though, it's just natures instinct kicking in.
one of the places i like to go camping east of the mountains in the summer has a ton of them. they hang out around lights on the edge of the lake and pick off grasshoppers. you can catch grasshoppers, get within about a foot of a mantis and they'll grab them right out of your fingers.
yah they creep me out too.. but some are just soooo cool to look at. I dunno if i will have enough courage let it perch on my shoulder or something, LOL
Years ago after putting up my "live" tree and decorating it I was sitting in my lazyboy watching television when something leaped onto my shoulder. I turned and looked and noticed it was a itsy bitsy baby praying mantis. I sat there for a second looking at it as it was looking at me sitting there on my shoulded when suddenly I focused on my living room and notcied all the little green specs every where. It looked like thousands of them had spawed from my tree and hatched due to the warmth of my living room... I gathered them all up into jars with the intent on keepthing them until spring but my wife is deathly afraid of all insects and made me put them outside. They all perished a horrible cold death due to her tyranny.
Saw one casually strolling along the driveway one day. He looked like he was on a mission so I left him alone.