someone recommend me a new book

Have you read the Dune series?

I just started a few weeks ago and I am just about done with the God Emporer book. Book 1, 3 and 4 are amazing and I can't wait to start the next book. Was unaware of how philosophical these books are.

Because I can see politics in everything, I cannot help but to see the inner connection to the forced misery imposed onto the people through Leto II Golden Path and Communism/Collectivism. Sameness... it results in the people revolting and learning how to live like a human once again.

Excellent books so far.
A chinese author. I'll be back with the name. I read it a couple years ago and it still is in my mind as a great book. entertaining and I felt I got an insight into Chinese culture.
Homo Deus

I haven't read but I read sapiens and it was really good and when I looked at this everyone said "it's basically a sapiens rehash with more future stuff"
David Goggins book was pretty good. Dude goes from an overweight exterminator spraying fast food restaurants to a Navy Seal and ends up completing a 100mile ultramarathon with 3 days notice and no training. (and finished it with multiple broken bones in his feet and kidney failure.)
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What's your goal? Education? Mindless entertainment?

If the later, I've been reading a lot of Jon Scalzi lately. It's sci fi. Old Man's War is a fun series.