[(#)SOCCER] 2007-2008 Season Thread Part II

thats my point glare, its not just about the agent. thats why its convincing. for multiple reasons this move helps out milan - 10x emphasized by the recent dinho' pick up.
so you're english but have a hockey team sig? that's kind of weird. i'm american and don't care about hockey, i figured most english people interested in american sports would be into basketball or football, maybe baseball since it's similar to cricket. is hockey big in england or something?
not sure if you guys talked about this already but most of the squads for the olympics are in:

Football at the 2008 Summer Olympics - Men's team squads - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

team USA should be fun to watch since a lot of our guys are young so adu, altidore, edu, bradley, kljestan, szetela will all be there. also mcbride is playing as one of the overage players allowed, that should be fun.

brazil is bringing ronaldinho and robinho, argentina has messi and riquelme, netherlands has makaay.

brazil and argentina look the most stacked to me, although we look pretty solid too.
ill buy an adu jersey if the US qualifies for the next round early

wow - ontop of messi/el kun, argentina have riquelme, mascherano, and fm wunderkids garay/ustari
yeah but brazil has ronaldinho, robinho and pato, jo, lucas, anderson, thiago silva. and i'm sure the rest of these guys are insanely good too since brazillians don't do anything but play soccer and have sex.
so a couple things USA-related:

1. There was a bit of a skirmish at the Columbus Crew - West Ham friendly with some Ham supporters causing trouble in one of the columbus crew supporter group sections - people that went to the match claim the incident was overly exaggerated but.. :shrug:

2. Adu has moved on a season loan to Monaco which pretty much seals his Benfica career.
oh yeah, for anyone interested in the West Ham hooligan bit:

From the southeastern corner of Crew Stadium came the West Ham United chants: “East! East! East Lon-don!”

From the northeastern came the answer: “Co-lum-bus! Co-lum-bus!”

Today’s war of words turned physical at halftime of the Crew’s exhibition match against West Ham, when a handful of West Ham fans ventured into the heart of the Crew’s supporters section.
A scuffle broke out and stadium security quickly pulled the West Ham interlopers to the stadium concourse. The next few minutes were frantic.

While the West Ham fans were removed to a stair landing on the back side of the stadium, supporters of both teams gathered on the concourse. Several punches were thrown and one West Ham fan was thrown to the ground by security and handcuffed by police, who used pepper spray or mace to help break up the melee.

Police couldn’t confirm the number of arrests and Crew vice president of operations Scott DeBolt said he would have no details “until I get a report, which might not be till (Monday).”
More fans were seen handcuffed in the parking lots after the game.

Shortly after halftime, West Ham fans unfurled a banner in the stadium’s south end that read “ ICF, 30 Years Undefeated.”

The Inter City Firm, or ICF, is one of the most notorious hooligan groups in England.

Peter Witham, a fan of the English team Arsenal, said he was on his way to the restroom when he got hit with chemical irritant used by police.

“I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life and I’ve been going to English Premier League games for forever,” he said.

One of the fans who entered the Crew’s supporters section was not ejected despite being detained by security for several minutes.

“We just went over for some tea and crumpets and (the Crew fans) got mad,” said the man, who identified himself as Dave Simpson from London.
“We just went over for some tea and crumpets and (the Crew fans) got mad,” said the man, who identified himself as Dave Simpson from London.

I'm seeing claims that Valencia is in financial trouble and may have to sell either silva or villa - which would be big either way