socal fires

Smokes moving down here to the city as well. I was wondering what the hell was going on- I didn't think the Malibu smoke would make it this far down.
the ash is starting to fall on us now. its disgusting. it gets in your eyes and burns. thankfully my car is covered but it wont be tomorrow fuck

reall start to worry when you see big ass chunks of half burnt insulation floating down from the sky.

that happened at my moms house in 03 and it was freaky as fuck. we instantly got out the water hose and started watering down her roof.
don't you wish you had a moat?

moat wont do shit. its not so much a fire line that comes to your house its the embers floating around. Plus when a fire gets really big it will create its own wind and its literally like a fire storm with all the hot glowing embers floating around.
Smokes moving down here to the city as well. I was wondering what the hell was going on- I didn't think the Malibu smoke would make it this far down.

Smoke from fires can move a long way. The smoke can cause a T-storm with little to no rain, but lots of lightning, which can start more fires.
wonder if i can find the satalite pics from the fire in 03 that burnt my house.

one sec

edit: yea here it is
hopefully they get the san diego area fires in check before it gets as bad as the cedar fire.

the sky where i am is clear so far but im sure it will start raining ash pretty soon.
hopefully they get the san diego area fires in check before it gets as bad as the cedar fire.

the sky where i am is clear so far but im sure it will start raining ash pretty soon.

i hope to god shit is in a lot better order then it was. from what im hearing on the news it definitely is.

another plus is that we dont have DAVIS in office now. he dropped the ball back in 03 big time and wasted shit loads of time getting on the phone and making it a state emergency.

looking east i still see some smoke but its not that bad. Now if come tomarrow i still see lots of smoke i really have something to be worried about.

In 03 the fire burnt for prolly 24 hours before it got to where my house is.
I have only one road to take out of the mountains back to civilization so here's to hoping that we stay clear this week.
the news said they are sending residents from Ramona that get burnt out of homes to Poway high school. That makes me feel a little better right now.