[So] Would you like to know more?


BP's Pimpx
Veteran XV
A House Armed Services panel intends to create a new fighting force called Space Corps within the Air Force to improve the U.S. military’s ability to address threats in space, according to a summary of the Strategic Forces panel’s forthcoming fiscal 2018 mark. - See more at: House Defense Panel Would Create Space Force
Chair force already has USAFSPC, this is just a spendy boondoggle.


Unless they get cool nazi-looking uniforms like in the Starship Troopers flick, then I'm down.
Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst.
This is a higher priority than getting a carrier to jump out of water to avoid torp's.

It's good to be prepared, and it's not easy spending $750B. This faux threat should help.
when are they gonna make that gigantic flying aircraft carrier like the one in avengers?
I want flying gunships like in Wrath of the Lich King


(alliance of course - fuck those dirty horde rapeugees)