So what if, one day, the good guy with a gun actually shows up.....

despite hicks with guns shooting at the guy as he left, i believe it was reported that he drove off the road while escaping and shot himself in the head


shot 3 times

once in leg

once in abdomen

once self inflicted in head as he was bleeding out on side of road

without the first two who knows if he would have followed through on the final blow himself


get fuck
Since the beginning of the year, American lefties have killed almost 100 American citizens in mass shootings.

Bernie bro shot the Congress critter: 1 dead, 4 injured
Black immigrant shot up a white church: 1 dead, 7 injured
Paddock: 59 dead, 527 injured
Texas shooter:26 dead, 30 injured

And this is not taking into account all the single deaths committed by lefties for this year.

We don't have a gun problem in this nation, we have a serious issue with the mental health of leftwing Americans. At this point, everyone should be carrying a gun.
im gonna find you and fight you in the middle of the strip in front of your family

no guns no knives

u wont

No you're not. And this has already been done before in the fertile imagination of Glare. Wonder what happened to him, he doesn't come here to tell lies much these days.
Since the beginning of the year, American lefties have killed almost 100 American citizens in mass shootings.

Bernie bro shot the Congress critter: 1 dead, 4 injured
Black immigrant shot up a white church: 1 dead, 7 injured
Paddock: 59 dead, 527 injured
Texas shooter:26 dead, 30 injured

And this is not taking into account all the single deaths committed by lefties for this year.

We don't have a gun problem in this nation, we have a serious issue with the mental health of leftwing Americans. At this point, everyone should be carrying a gun.

so true

you hear a lot about the guns

their goals to grab them

but never about the deranged and mentally ill leftists who know they don't have the capacity to make decisions for themselves, yet alone others.......who ironically cause all this mayhem (when not their pet inner city POC's)


just have to include portland stabber

guy who attacked congressional baseball game

etc, etc, do you know who the bottom two are (middle being reality winners LOL)
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Donald Trump says guns arent? The Poke

Can anyone read all of this and still be THAT fucking delusional about Trump or guns? Yeah we have a mental health issue and it's sitting in the Oval office. Mind officially bottled.


you can't even get your family to listen to your shit

anyone on tw to like you

you are the least liked voter on this forum........

likely and clearly despised in your own family

at your work

Selling one's birthright for a mess of pottage is the story of the modern world.

you might as well just adopt a bunch of cats and scream at them all day

be a better use of your efforts over convincing anyone else of your mental illness and intellectual

take a look at what an actual man looks like


A "redneck" did what millions of lispy limp-wristed coastal liberals would never have the courage to do: Defend his people.
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Tele and Pagy trotting out the same old dumb shit because it's easier than answering the question / point made. Yawn.