So, What Clan Will You Be?

Its going to be interesting to see how the pool of players disperse into teams, I wonder if the ond T1 teams will be anti-T2 players and vice versa.
Sp!nfusor Salad said:
what proof do you have?

Well... I've played the game already.

Plus there's no market for another t2 base. It was awful and nobody wants another one.
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VirDT said:
Some slight problems with your recollection...

1. We never used the elf gun, we never had to. Teams never seriously pressured us with offense. We often ran with 12 offense and 4 d, because there was just no threat. However, whenever I flew past the enemy base I would see slut getting hit with 4+ beams every time he grabbed the flag. It was the only way anyone could stop our cappers. If the dev team is looking to avoid the problems of T2, start with taking out the elf gun, it would have been a completely different game. Without even having to touch the vehicles.

2. We retired long before classic was implemented. I doubt we could even tell you any of its changes other then faster skiing. The team would have played classic if we didn't get bored of the game and retire. You can only be number 1 for so long playing the same teams over and over with no competition before you get bored.

3. You're right you don't try to take anything away from what the team did in base. Dread did more to foster competition in tribes then anyone ever. We were number 1 when money was on the line, when interest in the ladder was at its peak. Winning then says more about our team then anything any other team did after we retired.

4. Yes we have always still had a team....Yes we will play T:V....Yes we will be number 1...Yes, I love the 'its a different game logic', that worked so well in T2...Yes eventually we will get bored and retire...and yes, teams will form after we retire with the same people we beat when we were active and they will call themselves the best ever.


VIR you give 5150 a bad name- Youre cockyness prior to a game even be'ing released or even finished for that matter is amazing.

When I think of 5150| I think of T1 and you were not part of that.

No 1 cares about T2, and everyone who was caught up in the LOVE of T1 know's this. The game had a "start". Team's gave it a shot for "several months" before making the decesion to retire. T2 was a FLOP.

Matches and games were be'ing decided upoun events the players or teams could not prevent. Granted 5150| had good teamwork in a game riddeled with bugs and game imbalance. They were #1 for a long time. A large part of that reason was because there COMP. Who were they? New T2 players, not old T1 players. Only a handfull of teams from T1, and even players continued to play that unbalanced POS game, and then in due time even they retired. =V= hung around for the pure fact of wanting to beat 5150| and nothing else- How lame is that? Some comp...Some excitement 5150 vs =V= AGAIN....

You better hope they have a shrike in T:V: or you will be out of a job.

And yes T1 players have a advantage over everyone else- For if they make T:V: like everyone is dreaming it will be the new T1.
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How fucking lame. What train either of you ride I'd like to know. If anything is said and done properly T:V will not be the "new T1" nor will it be the "new T2". They've already said over and over that they want an entirely new game with new levels of progression not ever experienced before in Tribes.

Yes, it's the same universe. In all generality, that will probably be it. We're gonna get a SLEW of new players with skills from all over the place. If the money is here, and popularity, we'll have Quake players, Unreal players and probably a handful of new players that are just ... GOOD. That's an amazing thought isnt it?

Pull your heads out of your asses. Take a look at the scenery. It isn't anything like fishbowl we call Tribes now. Why? Because we don't even have a beta to look at nor, a new community to compare to. Stop spinning tails of woo and stfd. Let the game and community speak for itself when it arrises. Until then, sit tight, put your hands under your ass, and stfu.
LostAngel said:
Only Dud could make me laugh right after that. Okay, I'm desperate need of some serious gay jokes now.

:closet: :chill:

*** Signoff: Fluke (Quit: <Koreth> so i made out with my ex again | <Koreth> jesus fuck he has some big titties | <Koreth> er she damnit | <Koreth> fuck | <Koreth> thats going in a quit message)
Bullseye said:
*** Signoff: Fluke (Quit: <Koreth> so i made out with my ex again | <Koreth> jesus fuck he has some big titties | <Koreth> er she damnit | <Koreth> fuck | <Koreth> thats going in a quit message)

:lol: <3
-W- sKILLz said:
VIR you give 5150 a bad name- Youre cockyness prior to a game even be'ing released or even finished for that matter is amazing.

When I think of 5150| I think of T1 and you were not part of that.

No 1 cares about T2, and everyone who was caught up in the LOVE of T1 know's this. The game had a "start". Team's gave it a shot for "several months" before making the decesion to retire. T2 was a FLOP.

Matches and games were be'ing decided upoun events the players or teams could not prevent. Granted 5150| had good teamwork in a game riddeled with bugs and game imbalance. They were #1 for a long time. A large part of that reason was because there COMP. Who were they? New T2 players, not old T1 players. Only a handfull of teams from T1, and even players continued to play that unbalanced POS game, and then in due time even they retired. =V= hung around for the pure fact of wanting to beat 5150| and nothing else- How lame is that? Some comp...Some excitement 5150 vs =V= AGAIN....

You better hope they have a shrike in T:V: or you will be out of a job.

And yes T1 players have a advantage over everyone else- For if they make T:V: like everyone is dreaming it will be the new T1.

Skillz I really hope Wolfpack sticks around to play more matches this time and doesn't quit. I mean you had the ultimate virkiller, should have given it a shot. Don't let that one scrim we had totally demoralize your team, you seem a better leader then that. I want competition as much as the next guy but you guys couldn't beat vanguard and vanguard couldn't beat us, so I don't know what your team could of contributed to competition in that regards. BTW I'm not too worried about what position I will play in T:V heh.

-W- sKILLz said:
VIR you give 5150 a bad name- Youre cockyness prior to a game even be'ing released or even finished for that matter is amazing.

i guarentee any team vir is on will destroy wolfpack

When I think of 5150| I think of T1 and you were not part of that.

even though ive only seen vir in t1 pubs, he was extremely talented as an HoF and very well could of been a part of 5150