So we’re not gonna discuss the democratic debates in its own thread?

Orange Hitler team hard at work preparing their onslaught from these debates

free healthcare for illegals

take away healthcare plans / insurance

game over
I love how objective the cnn moderators were.

“Trump is obviously without question or debate a racist, how do you respond?”
When Harris came at Biden again on the race stuff in his political career, I SO wish he would have just come back with "AT LEAST I DID'T HAVE TO SLEEP WITH WILLIE BROWN!" and then drop the mic.
I could only watch a few minutes. That's all it took until they were all yelling at each other.

Trump has already won. It's a question of getting the house back.
I missed this one roofles

Biden sounded unprepared, confused, and exhausted. At one point he spoke about the horrifying possibility of "eight more years of Trump."

MAGA 12 year term
i cant imagine any of these people going toe to toe with trump. theres no one exciting.
It's all going to boil down to whether or not Trumpo can come up with even a better line than, "Cause you'd be in jail..."

People need to get to work on some serious one-liners for his debate. :lol:
haven't read the thread yet but warren used to be a registered republican for some time after reagan. g*d bless the koch funded DLC