So way I hear it... [Patch]

Gamespy and Punkbuster want control over who 'manages' the player ID's
And they aren't agreeing, so they patch isn't coming out.

But the way I hear it, the T:V community doesn't even neccisarily need either of em.

So, whats stopping VUG from scrapping the player management aspect, for now, and posting the patch?
GreyFlcn said:
Gamespy and Punkbuster want control over who 'manages' the player ID's
And they aren't agreeing, so they patch isn't coming out.

But the way I hear it, the T:V community doesn't even neccisarily need either of em.

So, whats stopping VUG from scrapping the player management aspect, for now, and posting the patch?

They are deeply involved in lawsuits - valve - which means they are currently under the control of lawyers. The first thing lawyers do is impose gag orders on companies, the second is freeze decisions. Dont expect anything.

[IGA]Russ said:
mr56k said:

Mate has this got anything to do with clan registeration with Gamespy and Punkbuster arguing over it? I know Gamespy currently have clan reg rights, are punkbuster trying to get them and their support for T:V is tied into getting them?

Seeing that almost every conceivable clan tag in existence is taken with gamespy anyway won'tthey start a new db for T:V?

You may not be able to answer any of these questions but i thought i would ask anyway. :)
It has nothing to do with clan reg rights.
Lets face it.. UT engine is to blame. :D

Someone with some time, please organize a lawsuit with some attorneys on contingency to sue UT for its completely faulty engine which forces games to use a thirdy party solution to help stop hackers, aka Punkbuster. I mean, seriously, how many other games require PB and what engine is being used?

Tribes Vengeance - UT- this was NOT listed on their site... yet.
America's Army - UT
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield Vietnam
Call of Duty
Enemy Territory
Far Cry
Joint Operations
MOH: Pacific Assault
Quake III Arena
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Soldier of Fortune II
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Any others??

That last question is a real one btw.. I would love to know. :shrug:
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Bah, I don't want a patch, all that downloading, installing who needs it? Leave it raw with flaws showing for all to see, it still serves its purpose. Just like a ugly slut that doesn't wear makeup.
|CO|Kapeket!! said:
Lets face it.. UT engine is to blame. :D

Someone with some time, please organize a lawsuit with some attorneys on contingency to sue UT for its completely faulty engine which forces games to use a thirdy party solution to help stop hackers, aka Punkbuster. I mean, seriously, how many other games require PB and what engine is being used?

Tribes Vengeance - UT- this was NOT listed on their site... yet.
America's Army - UT
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield Vietnam
Call of Duty
Enemy Territory
Far Cry
Joint Operations
MOH: Pacific Assault
Quake III Arena
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Soldier of Fortune II
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Any others??

That last question is a real one btw.. I would love to know. :shrug:

Well first of all, the current build of the unreal engine by itself is very stable and structured to keep cheats out. Every game you have listed that uses the unreal engine apparently highly modified the engine to create these loopholes people use to get their cheats to work.

I don't see Epic as being lazy people who don't care if a few cheats make their way into their games. Not at all. Epic has always been there for their players. They still release patches, and they directly get players from their forums to help them test their betas of their patches before they release. Already several fixes for UT2k4 have been released.

Sorry, but Epic isn't any VUG. You must be mistaken. :)
I'm still curious to know why most people are so quick to blame the UT engine, as if it were impossible to create a mod or anything with it. I've been playing UT since the first Unreal game and yet I see a ton of active mods such as Chaos, Red Orchestra, to name a few that are very popular and relatively bug free.

In fact if anything was a setback among all of the UT titles, it would have to be UT2K3 but the bugs in that game were minor at best. Most of the complaints were directed towards the skins and some minor gameplay issues.
Rooster128 said:
Well first of all, the current build of the unreal engine by itself is very stable and structured to keep cheats out. Every game you have listed that uses the unreal engine apparently highly modified the engine to create these loopholes people use to get their cheats to work.

The Panzer AutoAim Cheat introduced to T:V right after it released was Directly Ported over from Unreal so I don't know what your talking about.
Mr. Scary said:
I'm still curious to know why most people are so quick to blame the UT engine, as if it were impossible to create a mod or anything with it. I've been playing UT since the first Unreal game and yet I see a ton of active mods such as Chaos, Red Orchestra, to name a few that are very popular and relatively bug free.

In fact if anything was a setback among all of the UT titles, it would have to be UT2K3 but the bugs in that game were minor at best. Most of the complaints were directed towards the skins and some minor gameplay issues.
With my limited programming knowledge, I assume some key variables and whatnot are hard coded deep in a class somewhere which makes the classes very not portable. Thus hard to mod. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Mindflayr said:
The Panzer AutoAim Cheat introduced to T:V right after it released was Directly Ported over from Unreal so I don't know what your talking about.
Some of the guys that make cheats in the tribes community also met with IG to discuss cheats so that IG could patch up the holes. They never did. :(
Mr. Scary said:
I'm still curious to know why most people are so quick to blame the UT engine, as if it were impossible to create a mod or anything with it.

The people that blame so quickly are those that are complete morons and lump Epic's Unreal engine in with what we got in T:V. They aren't intelegent enough to realize that although the T:V Engine began with the Unreal Engine, it was drastically altered to accomplish the style of gameplay Tribes requires. TV's engine and the Unreal engine are similar but in the end, very different.

T:V was rushed out incomplete lacking a working compiler that would normally allow modders the ability to modify the game and allow players the ability to go back and forth between different mods and the original base game.

The Unreal Engine is not the issue here. The Unreal Engine itself is a superb engine. It's the lack of support to modify the Unreal engine to support the style of gamplay Tribes requires.
Different engines have differing strengths. The focus for years has been visuals not security. That is why inappropriate after the fact solutions like PB exist at all. You can certainly see the quality of the unreal product as a consequence of just where Epic spent their time - but they are late coming to the issue of security. Valve - I just cant stand those Nazi's - is far ahead at this point in terms of security.

As a note, Epic and ID are similar. They both tend to have the same strengths and weaknesses - great visuals, marginal networking and security.

Torque has great networking and with TSE strong visuals. Given the availability of source I suspect they will have a running shot at keeping up with the cheats as well. (That will vary on a DEV team by DEV team basis).

... lets not confuse engines with religions. These are for games - not salvation. :)
Okay, thanks for clearing up my mistakes regarding engines and exploits.

But a common thread is the Unreal engine. And btw, Unreal is the best SP ever made so don't think I was not a fan of the game or its creators. :)

Netcode is a four letter word when it comes to Unreal and its followups.
I enjoy T:V (even though it isnt my cup of tea) and wish it well and those that enjoy it.

I personally dont think there will be a T:V II. For many reasons, I see Legends as having the best shot of continuing the drama. :)
I find people who say Unreal's cheat protection is lacking to be arrogant, as that is one of the things Epic emphasized on with it's engine. There HAVE been cheats and exploits in the past, sure. But as soon as they were discovered Epic got to work quickly to make sure they were stomped out. After all my years of playing UT and UT2k4 I've never seen a time where Epic 'just didn't care'.

PJ would probably side with me on this too. You'd have to actually be there to know.
Rooster128 said:
I find people who say Unreal's cheat protection is lacking to be arrogant, as that is one of the things Epic emphasized on with it's engine. There HAVE been cheats and exploits in the past, sure. But as soon as they were discovered Epic got to work quickly to make sure they were stomped out. After all my years of playing UT and UT2k4 I've never seen a time where Epic 'just didn't care'.

PJ would probably side with me on this too. You'd have to actually be there to know.

Yeah, thats why there are plenty of UT cheats available as well as cheats for T:V as soon as Open Beta. :rolleyes: