So, those of you in China/ close is this?

korea is prty upset about this too fyi

unlikely to break out into a major war, powers involved r too strong. plus we are sort of (not really but kind of) committed to go in if something breaks out b/c of our ties to japan and especially korea
korea is prty upset about this too fyi

unlikely to break out into a major war, powers involved r too strong. plus we are sort of (not really but kind of) committed to go in if something breaks out b/c of our ties to japan and especially korea

Im gonna ask my buddy what he's doing right now hes in the navy in japan
It's absolutely beyond belief such a shitty little issue has blown up like this. If this the kind of thing that can bring human begins to war I think we should just go ahead and detonate all the nukes right now to get it over and done with.
It's China... this is what they do with regard to any territory (ever) perceived as part of China.
It's not like this happened between Korea and Japan...oh wait it has a few weeks ago and still ongoing. :rolleyes: