[So]The Airplane is going to take off...

Here, try this.

1. Put on some rollerskates. Rollerblades will work as well. Do not try this with ice skates.

2. Stand on a treadmill. Turn it on. See how the treadmill spins up, and you remain stationary?

3. Elevate the rear of the treadmill, so that you're going downhill. Do you start to move forward? Of course you do, regardless of how fast the treadmill is going. Gravity pulls you downward to the bottom of the slope.

The kicker behind this internet question of myth and legend is that the treadmill doesn't make a bit of difference. The treadmill is effectively disconnected from the power/thrust generating part of the airplane - its jets - so it doesn't matter how fast the treadmill goes. The airplane moves forward, the wheels canceling any rearward force generated by the treadmill.

Let's repeat that, since it's important: The airplane moves forward, the wheels canceling any rearward force generated by the treadmill.
You guys are all idiots, it would take off because the wheels are not powered, the power is derived from jet engines or a propeller. Jeez, what a bunch of tards.
I work in a customer service call center. (OMG SHOOT ME) Not a single person here believes the plane will take off. I've explained it til I'm blue in the face. They all laugh at me and think I'm an idiot saying, "it won't take off." Can't wait for tomorrow ;p
