[So] Should I just be a sheep and get an iPhone?

The iPhone is 3 year old hardware and draconian proprietary software. Android is the future.

Don't get an iPhone without at least playing with a Droid for a few minutes.

Currently the Nexus One is the best Android smartphone on the market (2X the speed, 2X the resolution of an iPhone) but they're hard to get your hands on to play with (they're only sold online via Nexus One Phone - Web meets phone.)

If you're willing to wait a couple months, N1 is releasing on Verizon and AT&T (w/3G).
Also the HTC Incredible is due to release shortly, which may actually be a N1-beater.
bold2 9700

my battery will last two days. i had an iphone for a week and that shit wouldn't last six hours.
bold2 9700

my battery will last two days. i had an iphone for a week and that shit wouldn't last six hours.

yeah the iPhone's battery life is probably shit if all you're doing with it is watching asian fetish porn 24/7

I've never heard a single complaint about the iPhone. I know one girl who would break/lose hers every 4-5 months because she was a drunk retard and continually bought new ones.

I have no experience with this "Droid" business but from personal experience when comparing the Blackberry/iPhone, the iPhone is sleeker, easier, and an all-round more functional device, even if the call quality is slightly worse.

Unless of course you really like the idea of carrying a huge, unwieldly piece of shit around for a phone (Blackberry)
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if you get an iphone you won't be unhappy with your decision overall. You will be annoyed by a good number of things that are completely retarded, though. like inability to replace battery, no sd card support, features inaccessible without jailbreak for years before apple provides an update that they can put in a keynote, possibly poor call quality.

personally, I'd probably get an android phone and I'd take a good look at the pre and keep an eye on what windows 7 will be doing in the near future. if any of the "zune phone" rumors are remotely true I'd very interested, the zune HD rocks.
Droid > *

If you use google apps on your computer, it just makes everything easier.
yeah the iPhone's battery life is probably shit if all you're doing with it is watching asian fetish porn 24/7

I've never heard a single complaint about the iPhone. I know one girl who would break/lose hers every 4-5 months because she was a drunk retard and continually bought new ones.

I have no experience with this "Droid" business but from personal experience when comparing the Blackberry/iPhone, the iPhone is sleeker, easier, and an all-round more functional device, even if the call quality is slightly worse.

Unless of course you really like the idea of carrying a huge, unwieldly piece of shit around for a phone (Blackberry)

Yeah but will it get me the chicks? Not the truckloads that you pull in, but maybe 3-4 a day?
Yeah but will it get me the chicks? Not the truckloads that you pull in, but maybe 3-4 a day?

If we're going for chicks, iPhone is obviously the way to go. It's the trendy "look at me I have money" phone

Pull out an iPhone around a girl and she'll assume you have money and ergo want to get into your pants even more.

Girls don't recognize shit like the Droid or etc. as being of any monetary value, but owing to the iPhone's extreme trendiness, popularity and expense, it is without a doubt the biggest pussy magnet out of all phones.

With that said I don't own one, because I'm a broke student overseas. My cellphone is a 30 Euro piece of shit I intend to throw away the second I leave. It's like a disposable phone.

Back home I'm still rocking my classic Razr purely because I can text people ridiculously fast on its keypad, that and it's always been sturdy, slim and reliable.
someone at my super bowl party had a droid with a slideout keyboard

which is one of the main reasons i got the pre

the droid he had was fuckin huge though, i kind of like having a phone in my pocket instead of a casio-sized PDA
I'm just wondering why smartphone users complain about battery power... If you're away from a power source for more than 24 hours than maybe you should get something other than a smartphone. Just man up and get a car charger and a charger for work and home.
I'm in IT. I admin large scale enterprise systems. I have 5 computers continually running in my home, not counting the game consoles and phones using the internet connection. I customize and install software all day long.

Yet for some reason, I don't have the need to jailbreak my phone. I know Apple is being dicks about apps in the app store, and proprietary bullshit, but honestly....I just can't think of a reason why I'd do that.
Had iPhone, is now enjoying my smalle HTC Eris instead.
Fuck that bloated crashy POS iPhone, never again... P.S. AT&T in California sucks! Had to go with Verizon.