[SO] please ban fraggle for violating the rules of tribalwar

well at least all the stupid bumps are pushing the obibun thread off the front page

the title is way too long and all caps is a bit over the top for sunday morning
i've read every post in this thread and what I've gathered so far...

bofo gets pissy about his real name and linked in profile posted by fraggle on a different thread and tries to get him banned
rayn and fool do not care
fraggle lols and threatens contacting bofo's HR, bofo does not care
kiint comes in and tries too hard to attack bofo, acknowledges no one likes him
obibun comes and tries to derail... fails and leaves
kotz says he could've done it to bofo ages ago but didn't
accomplished thus far: nothing

what am i missing
i've read every post in this thread and what I've gathered so far...

bofo gets pissy about his real name and linked in profile posted by fraggle on a different thread and tries to get him banned
rayn and fool do not care
fraggle lols and threatens contacting bofo's HR, bofo does not care
kiint comes in and tries too hard to attack bofo, acknowledges no one likes him
obibun comes and tries to derail... fails and leaves
kotz says he could've done it to bofo ages ago but didn't
accomplished thus far: nothing

what am i missing

I think you've shown anything of importance

i think it's about time i put the shitposter badmofo back on ignore

Wait until the drama dies down, this could get interesting
90% of reported posts are just people complaining about people they don't like.


i think there should be a sticky thread where all these whining complaints are posted for the viewing pleasure of [strike]the community[/strike] coombzy
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Plagu3 thinks by changing his nick no one knows what a douche bag he was..sort of like fufu
what does the wife do while you drunk post on tw every night?

my guess: probably fucking some rich dude that doesn't spend 99% of his time arguing with children on the internet.
I'm really glad to not be in the cranky old TW club.

I have enough problems with my shit getting old as it is.
um. . I heard from somebody that heard from somebody that says they heard from somebody else that more has happened than just that.

[SO] I was just looking on google+ and I was surprised to see you are a co-worker of mine Lavan! I have been with Vandelay for many many years. Nearly all my software and all web forms have that little bit of info from me.

If anyone would like to contact HR please feel free to do so.