[So] New Orleans has been removing statues related to The Civil War


BP's Pimpx
Veteran XV
Monument of Confederate Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard removed: 7 highlights from overnight | NOLA.com

Last night they removed the third of four. Gen Beauregard, like many confederates officers, wasn't fighting so much for slavery. He just felt more loyal to his home state than to a federal government. A common thing at the time.

He was also a proponent of equal rights for blacks and giving them the right to vote.

The fight to remove these monuments started after the church shooting in South Carolina a couple years ago.

The final statue scheduled for removal will be the one for Robert E. Lee in the center of Lee Circle. Not sure what the new name of the circle will be without Lee there. Maybe crybaby circle.
Baltimore removed a few civil war statues as well. There was a slight uproar about it, until people learned the statues were relatively recent. I think one was erected in the 20's and the other in the 50's.