[so] It's election day

Who are you voting for?

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Florida and Arizona Republicans are suing over vote counting now. Two days later and they're still counting "found" ballots.

this is nuts man

i've seen some crooked shit but even DEBBIE pushing them limits in Broward now.

Even for her standards, even after what she did on the National stage rigging between Bernie vs. Hillary

Recount Looms In Florida Republican Victories As Suspicions About Possible Vote-Tampering Emerge | Zero Hedge

oh hey......look at that we are just finding boxes of votes everywhere


n some parts of the state, controversies surrounding the still-unfinished vote tallies are beginning to draw national attention, specifically in Broward County and Palm Beach County, where elections officials were still counting votes on Thursday, according to the Sun Sentinel. Because of questions surrounding why more than 24,000 people voted for governor, but not for Senator, in Broward, recounts could be coming in both of those races, as well as the race for state Agriculture Commissioner.

Turmoil in another Florida election: Slow counts, ballot design questions and conspiracy theories - Sun Sentinel

I mean there is gross incompetence and there is just straight up I don't give a shit what are you going to do about it corruption.

This place maximizes both at the same time without care or concern......but most of all consequence.

When I saw them saying only 51% reporting......I knew this was coming

Anything from Broward Coward area is ripe for this. They are pulling the same game in AZ, GA, and FL

I was wonder wtf triple was talking about when he said Senate was +2

they going to make that +0 if they get two more years to keep finding ballots

Miami Polling Station Runs Out Of Ballots As Early Voting Soars | Zero Hedge

well, at least I know where all these went.....why there was a shortage

DEBBIE had em sitting in a U-HAUL all ready to go

they just didn't think they needed this many apparently to win

so give them a few more days to find where they stashed these EMERGENCY votes they needed
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If Florida didn't have RICK SCOTT being Governor

and Brian Kemp wasn't secretary of state in Georgia

they would get away with this too..........nobody would be in any position to slow or stop them from just forging as many "OH LOOK WHAT I FOUND" votes as needed to get the win


marco rubio keeping on it at least

some notable occurrences of Broward recently (for those not paying attention)

also the Pipe bomber
the Parkland school shooter kid
also the guy who shot up Trump hotel in FL
also the dead DA investigating VISA fraud
also AWANs central
also Bush/Gore hanging chads
also Brenda Snipes illegally destroying ballots for Wasserman Schultz
also Brenda Snipes having her political opponent arrested in '08
also where the Judges are all corrupt
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they fully going for it

I give them credit

they know nobody will touch them again......

I mean I get that it's a large and dense county, but everyone else has been done for days. I get that every vote cast should be counted, but when you can't verify the chain of custody on the ballots, and this shit keeps happening again and again in the same location, you can't help but question the authenticity of it. Then comes the bewilderment of wondering why so many fucking people are incapable of creating a functional ballot or in the filling out of any ballot accurately. It's mind numbing.
I mean I get that it's a large and dense county, but everyone else has been done for days. I get that every vote cast should be counted, but when you can't verify the chain of custody on the ballots, and this shit keeps happening again and again in the same location, you can't help but question the authenticity of it. Then comes the bewilderment of wondering why so many fucking people are incapable of creating a functional ballot or in the filling out of any ballot accurately. It's mind numbing.

:picard: Democrats are like drug addicts ..... They gotta have that fix. :disgust:
Florida and Arizona Republicans are suing over vote counting now. Two days later and they're still counting "found" ballots.

we're looking at the possibility of +37 and maybe as low as +1.

election night we were looking at what, +26 +5?

blue wave is back on the menu boys
break out the emergency ballots, we didnt get the blue wave we thought

we'll rig this just like the primaries
We have the technology to confirm each vote and should do this after every election. Once you cast your vote, you should be issued a receipt for whom you voted for with your name on the receipt. This can then be mailed in and can be counted to confirm you actually voted in the election.

I also think that people who are living 100% on welfare should lose the right to vote. It's too easy to get them to vote a specific way by offering them the sky for voting for you. "I plan on writing and passing a bill that will increase your federal and state assistance by 200%. Vote for me to get more free stuff."
We have the technology to confirm each vote and should do this after every election. Once you cast your vote, you should be issued a receipt for whom you voted for with your name on the receipt. This can then be mailed in and can be counted to confirm you actually voted in the election.

I also think that people who are living 100% on welfare should lose the right to vote. It's too easy to get them to vote a specific way by offering them the sky for voting for you. "I plan on writing and passing a bill that will increase your federal and state assistance by 200%. Vote for me to get more free stuff."

Woah sir that sounds like fascistic thought disenfranchising voters