So.... Is America great again yet?

Bash Obamacare all you want, the fact is that costs were already spiraling out of control, and republicans whittled the plan down to being useless by the time it was passed.

historical revisionism form a person who didn't understood what happened the first time around

The House passed the Senate bill with a 219–212 vote on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia

and all 178 Republicans voting against it.

one more time for the dumb and daft (took 8 years to get an AA @ CC)

and all 178 Republicans voting against it.

no wonder rest of post is such dogshit gibberish and mad rantings of our resident idiot extraordinaire
a better response

only response worth responding with anymore

i can't cure stupid for others no matter how much i post

Where Wiglaf at right now? I think he at bargaining and will spend the entire weekend in a dark room eating ho hos and drinking grape soda.

By the middle of next he will emerge with a case of emotional detachment

Where Wiglaf at right now? I think he at bargaining and will spend the entire weekend in a dark room eating ho hos and drinking grape soda.

By the middle of next he will emerge with a case of emotional detachment



he will be back just in time to repeat the same failed argument to us all over again

this time after thoroughly convincing himself of it


still so drunk off that celebratory kool-aid they want to skip the hangover now. all suffering icfire dementia
He's not wrong though.

Single-payer, with the concomitant reduction in expected outcome of treatment (hopefully not as bad as the VA though).

Waiting lists, refusal of expensive treatments for the elderly, a push for widespread DNRs, it's all coming.
it is all about priorities

you can give everyone unlimited health care coverage with UHC

but it comes at the cost of bankrupting your country

you can invoke cost saving austerity to reduce rate of expenditures.....

but that comes at the cost of people not getting what they need when they need it. ie limited services

that, at some point, ultimately defeats the entire point of UHC in the first place

Man cut off own toe with pliers after being forced to wait for operation

At some point we have to figure out what we are after. This isn't the miracle cure we keep being told it is.

VA sucks balls for a reason.......same reason UHC will be no different
You said he was deporting more than previous presidents.

That was shown to be a lie due to the fact that the way they count deportations was changed to make it seem more were being deported.

Late reply due to busy night at work wednesday... The LA Times article (from 2014) states that the change in accounting for deportation started under GW Shrub. Therefore the change in accounting doesn't shift the situation as much as you think.

Furthermore, this recent story shows the following - note this total excludes "voluntary returns" for people caught within 100 miles of the border.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President - ABC News

"Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)."
it is all about priorities

you can give everyone unlimited health care coverage with UHC

but it comes at the cost of bankrupting your country

you can invoke cost saving austerity to reduce rate of expenditures.....

but that comes at the cost of people not getting what they need when they need it. ie limited services

that, at some point, ultimately defeats the entire point of UHC in the first place

Man cut off own toe with pliers after being forced to wait for operation

At some point we have to figure out what we are after. This isn't the miracle cure we keep being told it is.

VA sucks balls for a reason.......same reason UHC will be no different

The VA may suck but I know more than a few people doing well under medicare
How do you go from a 1 trillion dollar a year insurance industry to single payer though? That is the question.

Buy out their stock and fire them - the same way most other countries have nationalized other industries
These are mostly the same congressmen paid by the healthcare industry to have passed Medicare D and to otherwise look after the insurance industry's interest, correct?

what's amusing is that you invoke medicare as a viable solution to the VA

while laughing at cost cutting, but in reality further exploitation attempts, against the medicare system.

what's amusing is that this is all part of the same argument. i don't think you understand that part just yet

adding millions of low income people onto medicare roles, through the ACA, has more than hammered it in the past few years.

Social Security, Medicare Face Insolvency Over 20 Years, Trustees Report - WSJ

significantly moved up its expected insolvency and bankruptcy expectations of 2028

some say that Obamacare, in just a few short years, has already taken as much as 700 billion away form Medicare, but obviously that exact number is hard to completely solidify

Our ruling

Huckabee said, "$700 billion was robbed (from Medicare) to fund Obamacare."

It’s an old claim and an old figure. The law does reduce Medicare spending, but not in the way Huckabee suggests. The Affordable Care Act aims to cut future Medicare costs by reducing payments to private insurers and hospitals, not beneficiaries, though this could indirectly squeeze beneficiaries.

The claim is partially accurate but leaves out important context. We rate it Half True.

Obamacare 'robbed' Medicare of $700B, says Huckabee | PolitiFact

But no matter how you slice it austerity and cost cutting is coming. Or complete bankruptcy of the Medicare system as well.

To the point that maybe the VA will begin to look good again LOL

So your idea of everyone on Medicare can make it go bankrupt in the next decade.......or give people service so shitty they will wish they were in a 3rd world country. Not sure either is what you should be after.
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If people only understood that by introducing gvt into any market makes it more expensive.

Imagine if we didnt spend taxpayer money on social programs and instead, have a vast national savings account and were the world's #1 creditor instead of debtor.

It's not like some people want to continue to push more failed policies and grown a $20 trillion debt or anything when we could have $20 trillion in the bank.
We just had a full 8 years of republicans disrespecting, delegitimizing, and obstructing the president. Often for no reason than just to be dicks. Now they expect everyone to just come together. Just flip the magic switch in the FOX news room to spin things the right way now that a Koch approved person is in there.

Bash Obamacare all you want, the fact is that costs were already spiraling out of control, and republicans whittled the plan down to being useless by the time it was passed. All while providing no actual alternative. And I still have not seen any coherent idea of what Trump plans to replace it with. not a single one has mentioned patents or any other tools used to leverage unreasonable drug prices.

And climate change isn't a scam. Being a denier is very bad for our future.
SS thinks it's like some movie where all the world's scientists hatched a massive conspiracy only to be thwarted by a plucky band of billionaire oil companies. Get fucked.
You can argue that cap and trade is a scam, or a lot of the other proposed ways to deal with it are. It's no secret that cutting pollution is diametrically opposed to helping the economy and it's enough of a reason for politicians to ignore it. But the fact that we are changing the weather is undisputed at this point. Putting your head in the sand will have Florida underwater ahead of schedule.

And Pence literally thinks electrotherapy can "cure gays". Grade A asshole with typical religious anti-freedom agenda. We can only pray that he stays irrelevant.

These guys won because people hate hillary, not because they are respected.

:rofl: :lol: :rofl: do not stop posting

I know you wont reply, but tell everyone exactly how the reps tore owebamacare up if you do give it a shot.

You also have the option to defend everything else you said as well.