So I'm getting old.

Found and pulled my first grey hair at 17. Four grew in its place. Pulled those and got 16 as a reward. Never plucked another.

My grey is a very distinguished, or so they lie to me about it. fifty solar revolutions, next week...


The sun has a rotational period of about 25 days

you are 3 and a half?
Be reassured: men age much better than women.

Everything about women is false. Even when they are young, they falsify their entire appearance. I hate to repeat this because a gay guy told me once, that man is the colorful bird. We don't need any enhancements to still look sexy. Even when you're eighty frickin years old.
Be reassured: men age much better than women.

Everything about women is false. Even when they are young, they falsify their entire appearance. I hate to repeat this because a gay guy told me once, that man is the colorful bird. We don't need any enhancements to still look sexy. Even when you're eighty frickin years old. did i just read there?

No gray law school hairs for me. Maybe the bar exam will get me there.

My one friend started losing her hair in clumps. LOL
pics of gf


envy me.
The last thing I need is for you guys to hunt her down from her picture and telling her about my checkered past. TW is my skeleton in the closet.
I had my first gray hairs in my early 20's, now I'm in my 30's, have quite a few grays to the point it's pretty noticable, but I still have a full head of hair. I'll take grays over balding any day.
I wouldn't mind some gray hairs at all.

My roommate has been losing his hair since he was 17. Like whoever it was that said it, gray hair > no hair