[So] I was coming home from the gym...

does everyone now understand why val was already considered a pathetic waste of life 7 years ago and nothing has really changed since then?
It's a shame you were such a faggot loser that you had to play under me for the entire duration of Aurora. :(

Buck up, Durak. I'm sure your daddy is at least proud of what a cocksucker he raised.
what kind of engineering?
Privy info! :>

How much longer did you have to go for after full sail?
Just 3 semesters. Keeping in mind, I went to college a short bit before Full Sail.

When I was in college I thought programming was awesome. I loved it. Then I got a job doing it.

Programming is fucking boring.
Yep. Exactly. I should've listened to the advice given here (as sad as that sounds), but for different reasons. It's not because it's a lame "game design" degree, because it's not. Rather for the fact that programming is just not enjoyable, finding a good job is a nightmare unless you have a hook-up, and the programmers ("people") you work with are fucking insane. I mean, I swear, it's like 90% of the programmers out there haven't stepped outside of their room, let alone learned how to properly communicate with people in the real world. I'm no shining example, but damn, some of these guys put me to shame with their agoraphobia.

Now I'm moving towards management.
I'm not really a big fan of people, so I wanted to avoid managing anyone. I don't have enough patience for stupidity, laziness or disrespectful faggots.
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Hot Olives and Beer are amazing as I am a huge fan of both.
Olives are one of the best tasting foods imo
That's your excuse? Being a passionate player of a 10-year-old video game?
Well it wasn't that old when I was playing it! :(

But yea, I was a bit extreme back then. Sure, it's an embarrassing video, but what the hell can I do about it now? lol, we aren't all perfect people growing up. I'm still very passionate about the things I believe in/do. I'm a very competitive person. That's the main reason I stopped playing 95% of the games I used to play. Anything with random elements, bugs, cheapness (RPS), just ends up frustrating me... not like back then, but enough to where it kills the fun. And what's the point of playing a game if you can't enjoy it? :\
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It's a shame you were such a faggot loser that you had to play under me for the entire duration of Aurora. :(

Buck up, Durak. I'm sure your daddy is at least proud of what a cocksucker he raised.


not sure why u think my dad has some kind of connections at cornell given that we're first generation immigrants

but whatever helps you sleep at night

i guess being a pathetic loser you have assume other people have shittier lives?? prolly keeps you from offing yourself

validuz is upset that he was called out on pretending to be an engineer to 'own' some 9/11 thread

the fact that he has the scientific grasp of a 9th grader gave it away pretty quickly

he was made fun of by a bunch of people, then ptavv offered him $50 for photo proof and validuz squirmed away

validuz is upset that he was called out on pretending to be an engineer to 'own' some 9/11 thread

the fact that he has the scientific grasp of a 9th grader gave it away pretty quickly

he was made fun of by a bunch of people, then ptavv offered him $50 for photo proof and validuz squirmed away


[So] I was coming home from the gym... by Durak - Page 3 - TribalWar Forums

I'll post it again since you keep backpedaling away:

Here, I'll start you off:

Physicist to Present New Exact Solution of Einstein's Gravitational Field Equation

(That guy by your definition is a retard by the way.)

Please feel free to explain it to everyone here. I would love to hear your interpretation of Einstein's math. I'm even more interested in seeing you crawl back into your hole since you can't. Have fun telling the physicist that he's a retard for thinking that we can travel that fast.
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i don't know who that guy is

Yea, you're right. He's an idiot nobody.
During his 30-year career, Dr. Felber has led physics research and development programs for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the Department of Energy and Department of Transportation, the National Institute of Justice, National Institutes of Health, and national laboratories. Dr. Felber is Vice President and Co-founder of Starmark.
i don't know who that guy is

but comparing yourself to him does bring this to a new level of hilarity
i never said he was an idiot valitard- i said you were

i mean you were clearly unaware of the entire concept to begin with (you later edited your post to reflect that you were explained it's generally believed you cannot go faster than light)

how do you even compare your dumb loser self to this guy on the cutting edge of physics :lol:
does anyone really need more proof that this guy is a retard who pretends to be an engineer

i mean he's practically doing it for me with his rampant stupidity
i don't know who that guy is

Yea, you're right. He's an idiot nobody.
During his 30-year career, Dr. Felber has led physics research and development programs for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the Department of Energy and Department of Transportation, the National Institute of Justice, National Institutes of Health, and national laboratories. Dr. Felber is Vice President and Co-founder of Starmark.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: