so i was at an evil student union conference and this shit was too leftie even 4 me

i do think your obession w/ 'statists' is nonsense, yes

but, and here's the thing, I have absolutely zero problem w/ you holding to those beliefs because they are honest, and I realise that marxism being a 'socially scientifically provable' fact sounds absolutely insane to you

kray, on the other hand, is just putting his hand up and saying ya me memememememe 2 heh heh heh heh

so ya :roller:

although coombz spent about 3 weeks in college (16 year old college not university) before deciding it was shite and leaving, so i'm not entirely sure where you're goin w/ that
honestly, after rereading what i said:
just because everything in your life revolves around the govt forcing its citizens to give up a portion of its income to pay for you to live or make a life that you deem worthy...​
i think that was rather rude and i did not mean to come off as such.

that being said: Marxism being a 'socially scientifically provable' fact, as you say, does not surprise me at all, seeing as how any school can push an ideology over and over and over and over and... i think you get it, to the point where people begin to believe it as a scientific fact.

cultural Marxism is another, 'socially scientifically provable' fact, as we witness it every day, in just about every nation where Marxist's are in office. the destruction of anything remotely culturally or individualistic, anti-statists or liberty minded is grounds for attack from the Marxist pov.

i like how samuwell is so butthurt about me trolling him that he mentions me in this thread i didn't even post in....
wait... who just got trolled?

i knew your ego would shine.

tele does it too

calls you a fucking liberal

makes me giggle every time but i think they're just doing the old yank trick of conflating everyone who doesn't agree w/ socialised healthcare leading to death panels and execution squads into the pinko brigade
anyone who defends the state, deserves ridicule.
can you tell me a nation where marxists are in power and operating under marxism

it would be nice to know about b/c we have been waiting for 150 years and it has never happened :roller:
sam if u want your kid to turn out the opposite of me then you need to send him to school

sorry ;<

also i think you are confusing me making fun of you for being a psycho, with me somehow caring about/disgareeing with all the gibberish you spout

like, i don't troll you because i'm a 'statist' and i have an opposite opinion to you

it's because you're a drunk moron and an angry lunatic...i don't care about your actual ideology. i don't really care about anyone's. live and let live :sunny:

hell i think al'muk's marxist bullshit is fuckin ridiculous and he has been my friend for over 10 years <3
we have been friends for 10 years precisely b/c i am fine w/ ppl thinking my marxist bullshit is fukin ridiculous

i guess i just hold out hope for humanity in a world where hope in humanity is fukin laughable heh heh

can you tell me a nation where marxists are in power and operating under marxism

it would be nice to know about b/c we have been waiting for 150 years and it has never happened :roller:

its never happened. thankfully.

however, just because the republicans say they are republicans, does not mean they're actions are not fascist.

just like the current day liberal is nothing remotely close to liberal and are in fact, more like authoritarians.

marxism is alive and flourishing in my country.
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I liked the vid a lot. I really do believe that education and free exchange of ideas is the answer to just about everything. I think that what many people consider far left, I find spot on.


And that was pretty good, I'm sharing it on fb.
if u will direct ur attention to certain things u will note that i was not disagreeing w/ the video in itself but w/ certain aspects that seemed a bit too unthinkingly/unapologetically left-wing

which segues sort of into the other point i am about to make which is that cultural studies is inherently double-reflexive and as such the ideology of the researcher is analysed, highlighted and then (hopefully) eliminated, since epistemology is just as much about the method of collection and analysis as the information it is studying blah blah blah fuck you what i am saying is that while you kind of have to be a certain stripe of culturally left-wing to even give a shit about studying the mechanisms of culture, that stripe of left wing has to be open to the idea that you might be totally wrong and at least have some sort of 'position' that means your neutrality is never a given and blah blah fuck you basically i am not an unthinking/unblinking leftist i am a leftwing academic
"We used to study things, but they all got studied. Now we study how to study. Once that gets played out, and yes thesis topics are running scarce, we'll study those studying how to study the study material. Do you see where we can go with this?"
Prof. Theo Catchatail in his book A Guide for Deans: Generating make work in the 21st Century
i dont see what you're having such a hard time w/

it would seem p fukin obvious that from time 2 time u might want 2 look @ the way you're fucking doing things
i like how you state that people who dont finish college for whatever reason and or those people who just directly forgo college opting instead for skilled labor ... these people are intellectually inferior to college graduates.

cause the mother fucking barista with a college degree making my coffee this morning is such an intellectual giant ...

we need to stop telling kids they 'need' to go to college. most don't. there is nothing wrong with being a welder, plumber etc. the world needs those jobs filled a helluva lot more than another 50k useless fucking MBAs.
if you're talking about actual reality, getting a degree is more important on average than ever right now

maybe if u had a degree u'd realize ur retard anecdote doesn't mean shit
it's not as if there are extra welding jobs that need filling either

that barista w/ a degree probably had to compete w/ 30 ppl

some of whom did not have degrees

in a country where, realistically, most people can get degrees*, not having one means you're either so obviously talented/smart that you don't need one to function, or you basically just didn't finish your education (that is to say, when going to university is 'normal', y didnt u finish school?)

*which is bullshit, but the sort of people who can't get degrees b/c of lack of opportunity are basically fucking invisible to the rest of you, you monsters
Crap about "divergent thinking".
Of course kindergarten kids come up with stupid ideas and useless ideas, the older you get you use your experience to automatically dismiss ideas that wouldn't work, or could be achieved much better without even using the paperclip at all.
if you're talking about actual reality, getting a degree is more important on average than ever right now

maybe if u had a degree u'd realize ur retard anecdote doesn't mean shit

everyone has a shit time getting a job, it's all about getting a referral or who you know that's at the company you're applying for. 4 years relevant work experience or a 4 year degree don't mean anything if the hiring manager knows someone tangentially qualified.
here in silicon valley tech I have a lot of friend without degree who have good jobs in tech at well known companies. however, they started in tech back in the mid to late 90s when tech companies were hiring anyone with a pulse who could find the power switch on a computer. the opportunities existed for them at that time to be able to get into a corp or startup and get the experience they needed to start a career in tech.

if they were in their early 20s right now and trying to get a job in tech with no degree they wouldn't have a chance. in the 15 years since they entered the workforce a lot of work, especially low level work, has been moved to India or it has been "insourced" to contract companies that bring in cheap labor from India. the entry level jobs that used to exist in this market, such as helpdesk and NOC monkey just don't exist anymore. The jobs in those areas that do still exist over here, such as senior helpdesk incendent/problem management people and site reliability engineers/web operations/devops people have a minimum requirement of at least 6 years experience.

tech entry level for americans now is "get a CS degree and join a startup as an entry level programmer." and yeah that job existed before and it did generally require a CS degree in the past, but the difference is that now that's the way into the companies. it's no longer helpdesk or the NOC.

one of the problems w/ everyone being able to get degrees is that you sort of fukin need 1 in that situation

the only real debate, i guess, is whether or not this is a good thing (it is a very good thing - phds for everyone)