So I told em

A comment like "I know literal demons." leaves one wondering if he's read a nasty fiction, or actually knows demons in real life. We know he doesn't read so ... :ugh:

And how can one be "just jealous" is this different than being "jealous." How so? How can you be "just jealous?"

I shy from fiction because nonfiction better serves the reader. Demons exist. They are soul suckers. Fuck them.

I'm a bibliophile so saying I do not read is as asinine as saying water isn't wet. If you ever want access to the public portion of my personal online library just let me know.

Jealousy is called the "green eyed monster" for a reason.
Fat bitch made a deal with my buddy from Jacksonville. Deal was he gave her $30 and in turn she was supposed to get what was needed to make tacos for him. She's a morbidly obese chimp so she basically stole his $30.

He saw her at the gazebo and called her out. Was yelling at her because she's a thief. Maintenance guy heard the yelling and investigated. Come to find out she doesn't have a lease and was just mooching off of various folks here because she is too lazy to get her own place. I watched the Manager escort her off the property. If shechimp is seen here again she goes to jail for trespassing.

Same buddy also loaned some of his fam $300 because he is a good guy. They use it to go to Florida instead of paying whatever bill they came to him with. So buddy ended up fucked over for $330. Which put buddy in a bind for food.

So I game him 6 chicken breasts, several cans of corn, green beans, and some potatoes to help him out.

Can't stand it when scumbags take advantage of good people.
Mick's mom made butterscotch cookies and gave us some yesterday. I forgot to get them out of his lunch bucket. When he got here this morning I asked him about them because I love butterscotch. He ate them all. Every single one. All ate up. I'm going to tell his mom on him.