So I saw Fahrenhype 9/11.

I'm going to do what every rightwinger at tw does when someone from the left offers an opinion.


/me covers eyes and ears

stfu faggot
TonyElTigre said:
or maybe you look at both sides of an issue, like he says he did, and you come to a conclusion??
but no that would be logical and i refuse to listen to other views b/c i "beleive" i like to suck it

Every side is flawed. And every arguement has a counter-arguement (though how valid either of them is can be held to question)

Get data and form your own views. Don't recycle other peoples views.
[THE]Perrin said:

Every side is flawed. And every arguement has a counter-arguement (though how valid either of them is can be held to question)

Get data and form your own views. Don't recycle other peoples views.

my god a critical thinker, YOU SHALL BE BURNED!!
sigh. Idiots! You are really that retarded, which is kind of sad. I am saying, and I will put this in even MORE simple terms that you can even understand.

If you lean to the left, you will like fahrenheight 9/11

If you lean to the right, you will believe fahrenhype 9/11 more.

obviously I was refering to the MASS POPULATION, not him.

We all heard you the first time ratbert, its great you can disregard anyone who weighs both sides conclusions as obviously biased. You are a real piece of work
TonyElTigre said:
We all heard you the first time ratbert, its great you can disregard anyone who weighs both sides conclusions as obviously biased. You are a real piece of work

Thread aside, are you CERTAIN you and BadMofo are, in fact, separate people?
I've seen both. I really liked Fahrenhype 9/11 and while obviously biased, it was not deceitful, which is what I appreciated the most about it.
Ratbert, if someone is intelligent, then their political leaning should have nothing to do with what they decide to believe when being presented with facts.

I am a liberal but when a conservative presents me with a view point that I can't really refute, I don't just cover my ears and still believe what I wanted to. If said person is a man, then they will have no problem conceding points.

posted by archimedes