[So] I had my wallet stolen

I was stupid and didn't secure some stuff on my back patio (just like having your SS in your wallet). One time someone stole some mountain bikes off my back patio in a gated and secured apartment complex, my gf noticed that there were 2 bikes missing when she went onto the back patio later in the day. 30 minutes later we're in my room and she's like "i think he's back", the fucking guy was coming for the 3rd bike. anyway i snuck to the back door swung it open and saw the crack head tryin to slink away over a fence. I chased him with an antique pool cue that i keep mounted on my wall. i couldn't catch him cuz when i hopped the fence to chase him it was all gravel and brush, cut my feet up real bad, but i did throw the pool cue and hit him hard on the back. anyway i ran back to my condo and my gf was on phone w/ police. i called up my bro and some of our boys, we jumped in 2 cars and went trolling around the ghetto for this motherfucker. we ended up at crack alley(notoriously bad place in this neighborhood) and there's like 200 crackheads/dealers there.
i'm a big guy, and my buddies (theres 7 of us) are all big guys too, but i'm praying that none of these fuckers has weapons.
meanwhile the cops literally said to my girlfriend "if you can find the guy who stole the bikes, it's better to deal with it yourself, there's no one available for at least 2 hours"... and this is literally 3-4 blocks from a police station.
anyway to make a longer story short, we found him and threw him in my car. the other fuckers tried to stop us but i said i'm calling the cops right now and they backed off
we drove him around for 30 minutes trying to find my shit (the fucker had already sold it)
anyway we found them both behind a kfc and some faggots had parked them there.
we beat the shit out of the crackhead, took his picture just in case, kicked them off our bikes, and took off as the cops were coming. (the auto shop across the street called 911 when we were beating the guy up)
funny how they respond to that shit, and how we would've been the "bad guy"

anyway just thought i'd share

Right on man, that is how you take care of business.

Finally a fucking story that makes me feel good.

I would of done the same thing. :) Good job!
Krash, post his address.

If you can get a phone number some how, I'll spam the fuck out of it.

I'll probably jump on anon chan and accidently spill my phone number to them.
Claiming i'm a scientologists.


Seriously, post addy/cell.
Not that I condone putting your SS# in your wallet or anything, but really you legitimately send your SS# to all kinds of companies with people working there whose job it is to read your forms and enter them into a computer. Stealing SS#s isn't that hard and I'd guess most cases of identity theft never involved the victim losing their wallet with their SS# in it.
where should i keep my SS card? i dont have a perma address, no place where i store papers, and i move around constantly. i usually need it for jobs, and if i leave it at my parents (an hour drive away), i get caught with my pants down.

Write it down in code, or have it in a protected document on your comp. It's not hard.
Not that I condone putting your SS# in your wallet or anything, but really you legitimately send your SS# to all kinds of companies with people working there whose job it is to read your forms and enter them into a computer. Stealing SS#s isn't that hard and I'd guess most cases of identity theft never involved the victim losing their wallet with their SS# in it.

Most companies can substitute your DL# for SS# if you ask around long enough. Generally, you only need to use your SS# for employment, edu, and financial stuff.
if you have to write it down and keep it on you, either right it in code, or at the very least write it backwards... contrary to popular belief, most white collar thieves are reasonably intelligent, but let's hope they lack common sense
Unless hes a complete dipshit moron, which is possible, he probably used a house in the vicinity of his own that he knows noone will be at if he has items shipped there. He can also check their mail.
As a Christian, revenge is not my job. The whole point of revenge is to let the other person know that they are in the wrong - to let them know how the opposite party feels when they disobey the moral law. That said, Christ did endorse justice. He told us to love they neighbor as thy self and to pray for our enemies. That is not to say that Christians should think that their enemies are correct in their actions. Rather, His command is simply to "wish him well." There are plenty of things that I do that are detestable to not only God, but to society. Yet, I still 'love' myself and wish myself well. We were all created by the same God. We share in that other people are not at all that different from one another, broadly speaking.

I've decided to notify the police and bring him to justice. If I were to beat the crap out of him, which many of my older brother's (6'7" 300 aka huge) friends want to help me with, the criminal would likely add violence to his criminal arsena and would not change his ways for the better. On the other hand, if he gets caught and has to serve time (which is doubtful, nevertheless), he might change.

doubt it. I doubt this is the first time or the last time this guy will do this. Him going to jail will get him 3 hots and a cot for a couple months, then when he gets back out, after being around other criminals who will likely increase his knowledge of how to do this without getting caught, he'll do it again. Now if he gets the shit beat out of him and is sucking food through a tube for a month, the thought of that happening again will likely be a better deterrent.

My vote is for the ass beating
If you're gonna fuck with him and go round there, bear in mind he knows where you live, and pretty much everything there is to know about you, so expect the same thingt o happen to you a few weeks later.
how can you not have your social security number memorized? especially when you say you use it so often... makes no sense to me...
I don't know about other states, but mine puts the ss# right on the dl. And you have to have that on you.
I was really worried about this when i was in the military... you military ID has all your info on it... Birthdate, SSN, and even blood type!
youre an idiot, get a new SS#, its a pain in the ass, but your the idiot who carries his SS card in his wallet. Its a ton of paperwork, but at least you wont let the smarter idiot (read: criminal) continually open accounts with your info.
Yeah go beat up a dude commiting a felony who has all of your personal information!!!

TW is full of idiots.

Sry Krash, at least you have a lead to give the police.