[So] I came back...


Veteran X
After almost 2 years of not signing on I joined back up to play with a friend and his guild.

I came from a Top 30 raiding guild and stopped right around I got my "The Magic Seeker" realm first title because I was too cool to care.

Now that I'm back, I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm an orc warlock, geared in whatever I felt like not throwing away when I logged out back in 2008.

My main focus is UI, I have the fancy curse updater and I like that, but I need to know what's what for raiding.

Any tips, pals?
Just be like that female hunter you know, sleep with an officer in new guild and get loots.

Not that hard.
DBM is pretty much required for raiding.
Omen is highly recommended.
You'll probably also want a dot timer (I recommend Forte).
Bartender is the most popular bar mod
Whatever unit frame you want (I used X-Perl).

Warlocks have to do more than spam Shadowbolt now, go read the forum on Elitist Jerks.

To get to the point where you can even be considered to raid you'll have to run a lot of heroics for welfare badge gear. You'd be so behind the curve when it comes to raid gear and the next expansion should be very soon that trying to raid would be pointless. I'd just level to 80 then wait for Cataclysm.
No official release date, I'm guessing November though. A lot of guilds have stopped raiding due to burnout on current content.
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To be fair, if his friend's guild is competent enough they he could raid ICC with the 30% buff. It would probably take less time than doing heroics, or he can do those when the raids over.
Or he could spend a weekend grinding heroics, relearning his class and getting a full set of T9, then go to ICC10.
Or he could spend a weekend grinding heroics, relearning his class and getting a full set of T9, then go to ICC10.

True, but for DPS the queues tend to be longer and that doesn't count runs that fail and you sit waiting for replacements.
I use:
DXE or DBM, I prefer DXE, because its very lightweight and not as intrusive.
Power Auras
Bartender, Dominoes, etc for bars
Unitframes: XPerl, Pitbull, Grid
Satrina Buff Frames instead of built in buff monitors for the unit frames
Hudmap if you want some hand holdy stuff. I find it useful for PP, BQL, and Rotface hardmodes

As far as what to do, queue up for randoms, constantly. Get T9, pug the fuck out of every ToGC, ToC, and ICC run you can get in. And get your VoAs in. You can gear your toon out for decent performance in ICC within two weeks.
I wouldn't bother starting up now if you quit 2 years ago. Cata is prob coming in october/november. Start up then instead.

Not much fun going through the tedious previous tiers getting up to speed just to have everything replaced with leveling greens in a few months. Of course if a good guild wants to gear up someone in ilvl 213/226 in H-ICC25 it's not that big of a deal.

I'm aiming at starting up again when Cata hits, I haven't canceled my account but haven't logged in a month and not raided in 2. Quit like a few weeks after getting Shadowmourne because I moved and got a new job. Felt kinda shitty leaving my awesome guild hanging like that :/ At least I'm still active on their forums.

As for addons

Don't care much for the coolness of the GUI.
DeusVox Encounters (DXE)
OmniCC or equivalent that shows remaining cooldown on abilities

As a lock you prob want a more streamlined cooldown addon and maybe some other stuff. But I play a fury warrior so I have it pretty simple.
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They've cleared LK with the 30% buff and are fine with taking me through whenever I feel comfortable with my gear.

I did my first heroic after 2 years last night and I quickly reminded myself how shitty I am without a proper cooldown notice... that coupled with a me having to relearn everything.

I used to play Destro, spam 1-2 buttons and rape meters... I'm pretty sure those days are gone but I don't know if I care enough to hit an affliction spec while grinding.

Is destro any good with competent spell timing?
All 3 specs are viable for Warlocks and are relatively close. They all also require more than spamming Shadowbolt.


That chart is pretty accurate.

Affliction - Keep dots/debuffs up, spam shadowbolt as filler, drain soul as filler below 25%. Challenge is maintaining high dot uptime while minimizing clipping. Does really well on movement fights but has shitty rampup time (really only a problem on Saurfang).
Demo - Based around lining up your cooldowns and using them intelligently. Has awesome execute phase damage from Soulfire. Sucks pretty hard on movement based fights. Playing this spec well is probably the hardest Warlock spec right now since if you fuck up and waste your Meta timing you lose out on a ton of damage.
Destruction - Retard easy spec. Challenge is just casting things on cooldown (lol) and keeping one dot up. Has awesome burst damage and Shadowfury is great on Saurfang. Does alright on movement based fights since so much of it's damage is put onto Conflag/Backdraft and Chaos Bolt.

Elitist Jerks threads telling you how to play can be found here: Warlocks - Elitist Jerks
I'm kinda psyched to come back for Cata, haven't played in 6 months or so.

I'm wondering who-all will be back, where they'll be etc.

(and which 80 to level first: mage, sham, warr, pally, rogue, DK)