[So] Fucking PIGS [With Dashcam Goodness][OH and FUCK YOU VLASIC]

I dunno, if you have to deal with aggressive coons every day, I can definitely see how that nigger turning around and diving into his car could seem aggressive. Can't fault the cop here, a dead nigger is a good nigger. You can't take any risks with stupid niggers, otherwise they will kill you. Happens all the time but you never hear about it in national or international news because the jewsmedia has their narrative and they won't let go of it.
bad news for you

the spook lived
drawing your gun should be the very last thing you do when your life is on the line as a police officer.

they've got fucking mace, stun guns, batons, tanks, you fucking name it. how is it that this kid gets shot before the officer even sees a weapon?

shocking that this wasn't an attempted murder charge. for police officers in particular, there should be a higher standard and harsher penalties for violating the public trust.

where's the fucking justice?
drawing your gun should be the very last thing you do when your life is on the line as a police officer.

they've got fucking mace, stun guns, batons, tanks, you fucking name it. how is it that this kid gets shot before the officer even sees a weapon?

shocking that this wasn't an attempted murder charge. for police officers in particular, there should be a higher standard and harsher penalties for violating the public trust.

where's the fucking justice?

Why should cops be expected to risk getting shot by some violent thug nigger?
you know a few years ago when I brought this topic up I was chastised on tribal war now you and the rest of the world are starting to see more and more of these incidences.

Teach your children to fear cops they are not here to protect you.
you know a few years ago when I brought this topic up I was chastised on tribal war now you and the rest of the world are starting to see more and more of these incidences.

Teach your children to fear cops they are not here to protect you.

lol shut up, imbecile.

these cops are reacting like they do because they fear society and nigs, and they should because of people like you.

if nigs were never violent and being taught that cops are the bad guys, maybe they wouldn't be getting shot so much.
lol shut up, imbecile.

these cops are reacting like they do because they fear society and nigs, and they should because of people like you.

if nigs were never violent and being taught that cops are the bad guys, maybe they wouldn't be getting shot so much.

if a cop fears society and nigs they shouldn't be a cop
damn skelly knew way the fuck back in 2011 that many cops are powertripping, hypocritical, crooked scumbags

that is some fucking foresight
This guy didn't follow use of force doctrine. I'm also reading that he was involved in other incidents of excessive force. Firing him was the right choice. The criminal charges are just icing on the cake.
Trigger happy cops? say it ain't so

why the fuck would anyone, let alone a black dude, think it was a good idea to grab an open pellet gun off the shelf of the hunting/sports department and walk around to other parts of the store with it?

what a dipshit.

it may not have been just, but it definitely is darwinism.
there's a whole lot of dipshit there, why would walmart leave an open pellet gun on the shelf, especially one that looked like an assault rifle, why wasn't it in a box? Why did the walmart security derps call the cops, did they not see him pick it up off their shelf?

I don't think the cop even issued a verbal command to drop the gun, I guess they only do that in the movies/tv shows.

oh well, clean up on aisle seven.
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dang he got shot for complying too quickly

and ppl get shot for complying too slowly

goddamn what's the proper speed to comply without getting shot