so does anyone here have any real aspirations,

create a business empire and a political dynasty to rule you like a king..

happy? :browsmile
sender said:
First I wanted to be a theoretical physicist. Now I plan on writing computer games for a living.

Mostly I just want to get laid. :dapimp:
Well we all know that theoretical physicists and computer nerds get all the hotties right? RIGHT...?!?!?
I like drawing, but art school isn't cheap, and you practically need that little piece of paper that says "Hey, I can draw well. Hire me." So few companies hire based on talent any more.
Patton said:
I like drawing, but art school isn't cheap, and you practically need that little piece of paper that says "Hey, I can draw well. Hire me." So few companies hire based on talent any more.
Liar! Liiiarrrr!

I'm a freelance comic book artist that had no education besides some classes here and there and community college life drawing. Art in general is one of the few careers you can get a job in with no schooling.

If you're good, you get work. If you're not even if you graduated from the Venice School of Art or some shit, you're not going to get work.

Don't make excuses, bust your ass and get good.
i used to aspire aalot but then i got this pill that makes it so i dont now i dont need to keep replacing shirts b/c i ruin them w/ aspireing armt pits (ewww lol)
Pachacutec said:
or, are you all content to buy shit from bed bath beyond, eat at legal seafood, shop at the mall, talk about tv shows, play video games, etc.
Hmmm ... my sarcasm detector isn't quite sure what to do with your post ...
My aspirations in life are simple. I want a good and stable career, a two story house in the suburbs, a good car, and super powers.