[So] BitchDubai is homeless

Well not anymore since it burnt up.

So you need TW to send a care package?

Stuff like bacon, ham, a book of Muhammad cartoons, and other essentials for living?
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vanster has said a lot of stupid shit, lately

from thinking people don't know dubai is a city to thinking there exists no metabolic pathway for protein to end up as fatty acids

must be on the drink again
Don't let let Vanster distract you from the fact that in 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team
fires go up
Plasmatic I light my poo`s on fire all da time vge
Homes are overrated anyways Mitch don't worry bout it, it`ll buff out.
when did vanster turn into a grouchy old man? He was always one of the more likeable level headed people in here...and tw has turned him
hes just ultra butthurt emperor lord golden trump crushed his snowflake pc furry balls in a vice. vanster, mitch, and phatal were the 3 most obnoxious trolls before election, screaming everyday, how trump wasnt a real canidate, just a pub stunt, no way hed get nominated, then zero chance to win.

it broke him, probably forever. when republicans keep control of all branches in midterms, he will probably sink further into depression and continue binge drinking. when trump wins again in 2020, he will most likely be institutionalized. phyatal will most likely be dead.
My cousin is the exact same way. He started with that bullshit before the election, then after the election he went full tilt. Every 2 weeks he'll call just to bullshit, then the conversation turns to politics and how trump is going to set the world on fire with the bodies of the sick and elderly and when i don't agree with him completely he goes off the range and doesn't talk to me for a couple weeks...then the whole thing happens again. I don't get it. Their outrage isn't going to change anything, why waste so much effort and energy being that butthurt. Thats got to have a negative effect on your system overall