Small Favor: SomethingAwful Related


Veteran X
I run a small website dealing with students from my university. I was looking at the logs the other day and noticed a ton of referrals from SomethingAwful's forums. I'm quite curious about how a link ended up there, but I really don't want to pay $10 for an account for something I'd never use. If anyone is a member there and has seen a thread about it or feels like searching for it, I'd appreciate any information. It's not very important; simply a curiosity issue. Also if there's another way to read the forums without getting an account there I'd be interested to know.

The site is:
Someone linked to your website in a thread called "Post your favorite University dipshits". Im 100% dead serious.
OMG moleman is on my floor

wears moccasins...or a fishing hat...a lot. him and his roommate play a ton of xbox and shit
you want some pics of moleman

?? i could prolly get some seeing as he is a hop skip and jump away
amRam said:
Someone linked to your website in a thread called "Post your favorite University dipshits". Im 100% dead serious.

I believe it, that's basically what the site is about.

Yeah, Bodom, more moleman pics would be great. Especially if you can get one from the front.
except itd be so shady if i took a picture of him in our fucking hallway.

or in our bathroom :rofl:

i think we have a few submissions as well
Haha, yeah, he's definitely one of the strangest.

More submissions would be sweet. Unfortunately since I'm not living on campus anymore it's difficult for me to get shots of all the weird kids on North, so any pictures are appreciated.