Should Obama speak to the black people?


Veteran XV
After seeing a rush of black people behaving badly/criminal over the last couple of years.
I have been curious if he would pull a Bill Cosby , and ask his fellow brothers and sisters to act responsibly, and lawful.
He has a soap box, and the life experience to let any black american know that with hard work they can too can be succesful.
Why hasnt he done this?
if he did most of the slaves would call him an uncle tom and complain about him not paying their bills for him.
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The best thing he can do is be a model president to the best of his ability. Stay out of corruption and be an example. And I'm not talking about policy, or conspiracy bullshit. There are too many black politicians that are like Marion Barry.
that's not the President's job

1/3-1/4 of the population feels that they are exploted, or have been exploted, and for that reason deems it is reasonable to take , or steal all they can get.
Sounds like something a black president should comment on to me.
He may ,or may not make a diiference, but at least he could lessen the sense of entitlement we have in this country(by blacks and whites).
my fellow americans - i would like to have a private conversation with all the black people in our country. so if you're not black, please change the channel or cover your ears for the next 5 minutes i promise we won't be talking about kool aid or how to steal tv's.
you mean when he speaks 'to americans' he isn't speaking to black people?

Black americans do not see themselves as being apart of corporate america.
And maybe rightfully so.
But when a black man can rise to the posistion of president from his background, i feel he should be telling other balck americans that are hopeless, that they to could be something if they worked for it.
my fellow americans - i would like to have a private conversation with all the black people in our country. so if you're not black, please change the channel or cover your ears for the next 5 minutes i promise we won't be talking about kool aid or how to steal tv's.

Bill Cosby did it, where is Obama?
his voice could matter, and thats is all that is important.
To say he should'nt speak directly to black america is like like saying Kennedy should have never spoke directly to the Irish ,or the Catholic.
He gave them hope, and a sense of responsability that was needed at that time and place.
kennedy didn't speak to catholics to give them hope - he spoke to catholics to attempt to allay the country's concerns that his religion would adversely affect his judgment as a president.
I'll be honest, I know more intelligent and successful black people than than otherwise. It has to do with the area you grow up in. Also I avoid the green line.
Politically he can't. It'll remind black voters he's half white, while reminding white voter's he's half black.

He has to wait until his second term for any such shenanigans.
I'll be honest, I know more intelligent and successful black people than than otherwise. It has to do with the area you grow up in. Also I avoid the green line.

I wish i, the justice, and school systems could agree with you.
Then there would be no need for Obama to be an example.