Shootmania beta


Veteran XV
Anyone play it?
Looks p awesome to me. I've been wanting some kind of UT/quake type shooter for a while.

All the UT games are also on sale on steam right now but shootmania looks fun. I like just having one wep that seems to be like quake rocket/disk.

it appears they are also adding or have added the grabbler which is great news.
the goal is not to kill people, just hit them. you get scored based on hit.

lame concept is lame
nice graphics though. looks like it might have potential for a fun quick game every once in a while.
the goal is not to kill people, just hit them. you get scored based on hit.

lame concept is lame


as i understand depending on gamemode.
each hit is 1 pt. it takes 2 hits to kill someone. is the objective not to kill someone which also means they can't kill you? just hitting people isn't going to stop them from killing you.

why does it suck jodo?
The weapons don't have any real feel to him, it's just kind of a projectile that pops out of you. You don't pick up weapons, you stand on a weapon "area" and then your gun changes into whatever weapon is in that area. There really isn't any depth to the game and it just feels odd.
Nope. At least I don't think so.

It's really unfortunate because in order to play Trackmania2 (which i actually like) it makes me download updates for this fucking game all the time. Which I don't even think I have access to on my account but because it's all part of "Mania Planet" you constantly have to download updates for everything regardless.
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shootmania gold?