[Sheeeeeeeeeeeet]Why do I give a fuck about Balitmore


Veteran XV
I got turned off to "The Wire" cause I saw a snippet of a first season episode and it basically looked like niggers acting niggerish.

Fuck, man. Why didn't any of ya'll step up and tell me how this shit was so fuckin' good, man?  you totally fuckin' did. 
Anyway. Since I recall the amazon thread about getting all seasons on DVD I figured I'd make this tread. Cause why THE FUCK not?

Anyway, now I get all of the Wire inside jokes. Goddamn this shit is good.

Also: Happy New Year, since that seems to be a prerequisite.

 A pre-rek-whi-WHAT? 
i cannot recommend a television show more than the wire

there are threads on it every few weeks and most people say the same
yep. I used to discount them simply because I grew up around DC and kind of held Baltimore in contempt (except for the Baltimore Aquarium which was world class for fuckin' real).

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I just love how the whole world comes full circle by the end of the show. Everyone's "position" is replaced by another character... and the cycle goes on.

Really one of the best pieces of media ever created.
David Simon is awesome. And it took a few episodes for me to like Treme, but by the end I was motherfucked hooked - Simon did it again.

They filmed a lot of Season 4/5 by my house (Carcettis campaign hq, etc)
its not too bad. Simon's series seem to take a while to get going, though. He's still fleshing out the characters.
I might have to give Treme another chance. I watched the beginning, but didnt care for it. Maybe I need to watch more episodes.

The Wire was one of the best shows i've ever watched.