Serious Question 4 Liberals

u bitch about what trump is doing

while voting for hillary who wanted to outsource harder and faster

bring in more H1 Visas like Owebama did under EO (that you still don't understand)

so wtf u complaining about?

there still being a trade and labor barrier vacuum?

as he cuts dumb globalism and globalist paris agreement deals

as you find yourself crying not just about a wall with Mexico

but it being a green mean solar energy wall soon enough

Trump: 'Solar wall' could 'pay for itself' -

get fuked and keep paying them student loans plz


u fight for cancer

last eight years not being enough (35 plus imo)

as u cry that there is still some cancer left six months into his administration

after cheering at every unprecedented obstructionist attempt imaginable

nobody said intellectual honesty was your strongest quality
globalist deep state interests preventing real conservative values from rising this nation with the tides of a great white utopia
globalist deep state interests preventing real conservative values from rising this nation with the tides of a great white utopia

with constant shit spewing retardation

i can't understand why u have difficulty and buyers remorse for all your college debts

why u can't find anyone who will pay you $$$$ for your services

shocking i tell u

good thing soros will pay u
hey guys carrier is keeping jobs here

you should make fun

as you still can't get a job ANYWHERE




this is like phaytal laughing at only 70 new coal jobs in one city

as people who are barely employable.......let alone never employed anyone in their miserable lifetime

that liberal elitism from poverty row is funny where we sit

usually u need money to have it....and u cry and have negative $$$
I am making fun of all of the wedge issue shit getting pushed aside now that the easily manipulated class warfare pawns slough off campaign promises that go unmet.

drain the swamp hehehe
This is great. Comments are awesome too. I love me some stuck up niggers

I may not be suggesting that we go out and start a war that we are certain to lose if only because the bigots have all the armaments, all the firepower, all the militaries, all the institutions; and their hearts are afire with the pure hatred that energizes them, seemingly infinitely; and they outnumber us in every corner of the known world.

What I am suggesting will rile us because it operates contrary to our centuries of brainwashing, rejects the religious instruction our oppressors gave us, negates the mounds of propaganda that imagines our oppressors as deserving of our humanity in the face of their lack of such. What I propose will certainly have most white/cisgender/heterosexuals who practice bigotry (or do not believe they practice bigotry even when they do) up in their outrageous feelings because they have become accustomed to our worship, rely on our fealty, and receive sustenance from our sacrifice. They want us as Django Unchained’s Stephen, infinitely and perpetually servile, or as the punchline to their malicious humor, laughing along with them.

Our indifference to their well-being is the only thing that terrifies them.


If you see them drowning.

If you see them in a burning building.

If they are teetering on the edge of a cliff.

If their ships are sinking.

If their planes are crashing.

If their cars are skidding.

If they are overdosing.

If their hearts have tellingly arrested.

If they are choking in a restaurant.

If they are bleeding out in an emergency room.

If the ground is crumbling beneath them.

If they are in a park and they turn their weapons on each other:

Do nothing.

“If you seen them walking down the street and they start to cry, each time you meet, walk on by.”

Least of all put your life on the line for theirs, and do not dare think doing so, putting your life on the line for theirs, gives you reason or cause to feel celestial.

Saving the life of those that would kill you is the opposite of virtuous.

Let. Them. Fucking. Die.

And smile a bit when you do.

For you have done the universe a great service.

Ashes to ashes.

Dust to bigots.
Let Them Fucking Die – Son of Baldwin – Medium
This is great. Comments are awesome too. I love me some stuck up niggers

Let Them Fucking Die – Son of Baldwin – Medium

and we have a moral obligation to do the same

no more intervention in European wars

no more bail outs for our own shit states......yet alone Puerto Rico

and especially not Cuba or Venezuela


these aren't wedge issues

these are basic ideological differences and fuck you issues

we are not all in this together

that much is beyond clear
fuk libertarians too

there is no liberty to be had when the tide wants you dead

those who wish to replace you wish for you removed and in chains of servitude

just the white nationalists left clu

and we say u should pay your loans
and we have a moral obligation to do the same

no more intervention in European wars

no more bail outs for our own shit states......yet alone Puerto Rico

and especially not Cuba or Venezuela


these aren't wedge issues

these are basic ideological differences and fuck you issues

we are not all in this together

that much is beyond clear

Oh, pardon me... I forgot the rest.

Two more professors find themselves targets of physical threats and harassment

Trinity College in Connecticut shut down Wednesday over threats directed at an associate professor of sociology who shared a controversial article about race, violence and politics on social media. A professor at Syracuse University also is being targeting online for her involvement in a counterprotest to an anti-sharia event. They're the latest professors to face physical threats or harassment, or both, for their political speech.

Trinity College

The Trinity professor, John Eric Williams, last week shared a link to a Fusion piece called “Bigoted Homophobe Steve Scalise's Life Was Saved by a Queer Black Woman." It points to the fact that Scalise, the Republican congressman who was recently shot at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Va., has previously opposed extending protections to LGBTQ people and reportedly once spoke at a meeting of white supremacists, while one of the black law enforcement officers who rescued him is a married lesbian.

Williams shared the article through an embedded link in Medium, accompanied by commentary from an author called Son of Baldwin, entitled “Let Them Fucking Die.” Baldwin’s piece argues that “indifference to their well-being is the only thing that terrifies” bigots, and so people of color should “Let. Them. Fucking. Die” if they’re ever drowning, “teetering on the edge of a cliff” or caught in various other emergencies.

“Saving the life of those that would kill you is the opposite of virtuous,” Baldwin wrote. In sharing Baldwin’s link to the Fusion article, Williams also used his “Let them fucking die” comment as a hashtag, and wrote that it is “past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system.”

That post and a similar one prompted critical reports on conservative websites suggesting Williams was advocating violence against whites. “Less than one week after a gunman opened fire on more than a dozen Republican members of Congress on a Virginia baseball field, a Connecticut college professor said that first responders to the shooting should have ‘let them die’ because they are white,” The Blaze reported, for example.

Williams told the Hartford Courant that he was writing about white supremacy, police killings of unarmed black people and other forms of institutionalized racism, and not saying that members of Congress should have been left to die because of their race. "This is about free speech as well as academic freedom," he told the newspaper. "From my perspective, I'm considering whether I should file a defamation [claim] against these guys," he added, referring to news sites that suggested otherwise.

"The black community is beside itself all over the country with the constant killing. It doesn't matter what we do, we still be killed, we still go to jail. Just being black and living is a crime. That's what seems to be the problem," Williams added, saying his status as scholar obliges him to "speak up about the kind of destructive behavior that white supremacy is dealing on people on a daily basis."

The various reports led to threats against Trinity and death threats against Williams, according to the Courant, prompting the shutdown so that law enforcement officials could investigate what they described as “nonspecific, noncredible” threats. The campus is expected to reopen today.

Joanne Berger-Sweeney, Trinity’s president, said in a statement that the dean of faculty is reviewing the matter to see if any college policies or procedures were violated, and that she’d personally told Williams “his use of the hashtag was reprehensible and, at the very least, in poor judgment.” No matter its intent, she said, “it goes against our fundamental values as an institution, and I believe its effect is to close minds rather than open them.”

Two state lawmakers reportedly have called for Williams’s termination.
of that I have no doubt. I know plenty of dumbfuck libertarians (really conservatives but just not socially)

:lol: :rofl: :lol:

Yeah those stupid fucking Libertarians who have the unmitigated audacity to want us all to have max freedoms and liberties, make you responsible for yourself, dont want guns pointed to your head demanding your property or else, make sure you can speak your mind, fight for your ability to own property, and generally leave people the fuck alone.

Sooooooooo stupid, we should lock those people up for not trying to force others to conform to other's ideology. Crazy I tell ya.
:lol: :rofl: :lol:

Yeah those stupid fucking Libertarians who have the unmitigated audacity to want us all to have max freedoms and liberties, make you responsible for yourself, dont want guns pointed to your head demanding your property or else, make sure you can speak your mind, fight for your ability to own property, and generally leave people the fuck alone.

Sooooooooo stupid, we should lock those people up for not trying to force others to conform to other's ideology. Crazy I tell ya.

yeh I work with a self-described libertarian/anarchist. hey buddy - who will pay for the roads?
fuk libertarians too

there is no liberty to be had when the tide wants you dead

those who wish to replace you wish for you removed and in chains of servitude

just the white nationalists left clu

and we say u should pay your loans

this is where cpttele think's he's upper middle class in the US and is therefore wealthy. here is a clue - you are not.

yes the link is old but the numbers are likely the same.

this country has been outsourced to shit and you'll sit with fool and claim the fed student loan industry's goal should be to maximize their returns.

the worst kind of troll is the true believer