Serious! Harddrive error!


Veteran X
Okay now I am fucked ... mabye. My current HD is 40 gigs and I put in another 120 gig one.

I then tried cloning the 40 to the 120 and it errored or something. SO I restart and winxp goes for about an hour replaces bad sectors or something.

Well now my 40 gig says it has 10 gigs of space open when at the same time I knew for a fact that there was only 5 gigs open at the time of the clone.

Also now when I try to access my computer it takes forever to load up. About 30 - 60 seconds of searching with the flashlight icon until the screen shows the folder.

Even when it does show the folder it isn't in the same format as when I left it. The icons are all bunched together and not seperated into groups like xp does default. what gives.

Also the 120 gig reports that it has a total size of 40 gigs and has 10 gigs open, just like the 40 gig drive. No way to see if that is just one partition or what though.

What is causing this shit to do this?

Anywho I plan on formatting the 120 gig, defragging the 40 about 10 times, and mabye including a few scan disks for the 40 gig. I performed a "Deep Scan" that took 40 minutes (with western digital software) on the WD one and no errors came up.

On this WD utility disk I have, it gives the option of writing 0's to the whole drive. Is that the same as formatting?

I beg you guys to read this. I know someone has the answer and I am really desperate.

Savage v2.0 said:
format C:\
Obviously on the 120 gig. I do NOT want to lost my configuration though. That is why I opted for cloning.

Also, I used norton ghost to do this. What settings should I have done though.

Also also, the Device Manager and Disk Management do NOT work now. Help.
Man, it sounds like that 40 may be bad to me.

First off take out the 120 and see if you can get the system to work with just the 40 in it. Once you're happy with the way it's working then make sure your 40 is set to master and put the 120 in set as slave, or if you use the cable that came with the 120 you can set both drives to cable select, but I prefer to do the master slave deal.

Now boot up with the Western Digital boot disk and get it to set up your 120, and tell it you want it to clone your drive. Don't use Ghost to do it.

Then when it finishes change the jumpers on the drives to make the 120 the master and the 40 the slave. Reboot, live happily ever after.

Of course this is all dependant upon your ability to get the 40 to work properly in the system by itself. There's also a possibility that your system won't support the 120, but if you set it up using the Western Digital boot disk then your chances are greatly increased that it will work.

Good luck.

PS - Triple check your jumpers and make sure that you don't have one drive set to cable select and the other one set to master or slave.
If your cloning using ghost.. use the latest dos version og ghost.exe and goto the image options, and select BOOT IMAGE, xp clones just fine that way. Retry the clone.
RiSe226 said:
Why don't you want to lose your config?
Well it isn't a "config" like counter-strike, I have just set up this comp to be fully updated with drivers etc. and to work the way I want it and I really don't want to have to do it all over again.
sigh, i have no idea what you've done to your computer. not knowing the exact details of what you did and what you clicked and what not, i have no idea how to fix it.
Try running fdisk on something else besides the windows you have installed now. Like if you have a 98 boot disk or a linux CD or something boot it up and see what it says about the hard drives, also.
Well I can't figure it out .everything is borked. I will probably have to format both drives. GG.

So Everything important is backed up.

See ya all in a few hours or so.

Thanks for all your help.