Search Is Contributor Only

Surely you can understand why this is not going to be super high on my list of priorities.

Of course. But it makes google searching much more likely to be used and is a simple fix once everything else gets straightened out.
The system is automated when you use the subscription link. Send me the paypal transaction ID if you had a problem and I will make sure it gets resolved.

Considering I made the payment when TW first started taking contributions, that doesn't seem too possible.

Paypal is fucking gay. Either I used a different paypal address a long time ago that I can't remember, or paypal only tracks payments only in the current year. Because I did a search through my transaction history and I can't get anything pre-2008 to show up, and I've been using paypal for several years now.

Nah, I was saying it's only $10 for 2 years, that's quite the deal. I thought it would be like $50/year or something.

If I had money left in Paypal, i'd send it.
This seems fair to me. Now add the ability to make a custom title with the color you want when you contribute, and I will definitely send you my money.