[Sculpture] I started out a life size head...

Travelyan said:
you dont win friends with molded dildos

:rofl: Thats fucking quote worthy right there :lol:

Your sculpture seems to be turning out pretty damn good for a first time with a life sized head. Keep going I bet it'll be pretty cool all things considered and most importantly a good learning experience.
Here's a bit of an update, It's progressing...

BTW sorry for the first page moodiness. Flame away as you please.
Wooooo ethan :)
I'm so fucking drunk.. Its not even tomomrow and I lareayd have aheadache, ugh.
Still no imported lithuanian beer, grr.
MinasTirithGuard said:
Naw, but I ended up meeting some friends at IHOP last night and had the head on a pole...

i like artistic stuff but let me tell you that people who sculpt, paint, write poetry in public places like Starbucks are rarely thought of as "wow look how talented he is!" It's more like a roll your eyes because this person is a weirdo. I mean come on, you brought a sculpted head on a pole into a restaurant? You're doing it for attention.
No, I almost always leave my work at home but this time my friends wanted to see how it was turning out. We weren't even going to go into the place originally, and I just put it back in the car. But yea, I agree with you on that, I don't usually bring things like this anywhere.
if they asked you to bring it that's totally different, i was under the impression that you sometimes show up randomly to social gatherings with heads on poles. :D