SCSM/Exchange help?


Veteran XV
So users have the ability to create tickets in SCSM via email. When we create a template email notification in SCSM, it ignores any line breaks in the email (as it's looking for HTML) and it just makes it one big block of text. The template has a simple variable that pulls the description section of the ticket which has the signature in it already. When you look at the incident in SCSM, it looks like the original email with the proper line spacing and such.

Example (what the email looks like from the user and what the incident description looks like in SCSM):
What's up dude?

Buttfart Inc.

SCSM email once processed through the template and sent back out:
What's up dude? From, Dan Buttfart Inc.

Is there any way to strip the signature from the email? When they forward an email to our support that's in an email chain, it gets confusing as fuck with all the signatures. Do I need to write a script to manually look for this? Can I strip the signature and add a line break of some sort? WTF is the best way of handling this?

FYI I typically write code so I don't really know a lot about the server side abilities of SCSM or exchange.

Thanks in advance.

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