[Sci-Fi] Recommend me a book, Tribalwar


Veteran X
So I just got done reading Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series (thats the series of Naval books that the movie Master & Commander was based on) so now I have a hankering for some good ol' Science Fiction.

In summary, please recommend me a good Sci-Fi book, Tribalwar.

Authors I like:

Larry Niven (A Mote in God's Eye, Ringworld, etc)
Orson Scott Card (Ender's Game, etc)
Iain M. Banks (Culture series)

I am open to anything new. Lets hear it. Amazon links appreciated. :D
I just started the Foundation (Asimov) series after having missed it and hearing good things for so long.

I really enjoyed Foundation :) 1/4 through Foundation and Empire.

As always I recommend any of the Holy trilogy of powered armor.

Forever War by Haldeman
Armor by Steakley
Starship Troopers by Heinlein

Forever Peace is also good. Forever Free is complete shit, avoid at all costs. Jesus Christ, such a letdown >:\
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nice link

That reminds me The Forge of God/Anvil of the Stars were cool.

The 3 powered armor novels I listed are basically about grunts/governments/the like.
The basis for the Foundation series was the Roman Empire's rise/fall/the like
The Forge of God/Anvil of the Stars are set in the present-->too future first contact, how people react, uncovering mysteries.
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Revelation Space by Alistair Reynolds.
Anything by David Brin (Uplift Trilogy especially)
Any of the Ben Bova space series (Venus, Saturn, The Rock Rats, etc)
The book A Scanner Darkly is amazing. Just remember, it was written in like the 70s, by a man who did a LOT of acid.

Theres a book I just finished called "Infoquake." I would highly recommend that book.
everyone was always like "zomg neuromancer is rad" to me
i read it and its cool for the first half, but the second half goes off the fucking deep end
i felt i needed to share that
I just started the Foundation (Asimov) series after having missed it and hearing good things for so long.

I really enjoyed Foundation :) 1/4 through Foundation and Empire.
I would recommend starting with the Robot series. It's a good setup/intro to the world, even if they do take place 1000s of years apart. Plus there are some pretty strong connections the further you get into the Foundation series that will be lost on you otherwise.
everyone was always like "zomg neuromancer is rad" to me
i read it and its cool for the first half, but the second half goes off the fucking deep end
i felt i needed to share that

Great, I'm right at the midway point and now I don't feel like finishing it.
I would recommend starting with the Robot series. It's a good setup/intro to the world, even if they do take place 1000s of years apart. Plus there are some pretty strong connections the further you get into the Foundation series that will be lost on you otherwise.

I'll do that :)

Going to finish Foundation and Empire first though hehe. If a book grabs my attention in the first chapter I ocd and finish it really quickly :lol:

That reminds me, has anyone read Chindi? I guess I should have looked for some reviews before I bought it, http://www.amazon.com/Chindi-Jack-McDevitt/dp/0441011020 For some reason I just can not get into the book every time I try I don't get very far. Too much exposition in the beginning or something, I don't know. However, if anyone knows if it's worth reading let me know hehe.
Slant by Greg Bear (I think)

Distraction by Bruce Sterling is a fucking awesome book. Politics, brain modification, and techno-drifters rolling down the highway. Most excellent. :bigthumb: