Sci-Fi book people


Veteran X
After watching episode 3 I had the urge to read a sci-fi type book dealing w/ big space battles and futuristic military strategy. This was my favorite part of Ender's Game and the Star Wars novels I used to read as a kid.

Anyone got any suggestions? Their seems to always be at least someone on tribalwar who is a fan of damn near anything you can think of.
have you read the other 7 books in the Enderverse?

oh dang... a new book just came out in the series... Shadow of the Giant.. i need to pick that up
Starship Troopers
Dune - Particularly the stuff by Herbert's son if you are just looking for action.
Some of the Battletech stuff is good (such as Stackpole's books)
There are some good Star Wars novels (Stackpole does/did Star Wars books, too)
Walking_Man said:
Dune - Particularly the stuff by Herbert's son if you are just looking for action.
Those books should NEVER be recommended over the real Dune books. I guess maybe they were decent on their own, but compared to the originals they were shallow, pointless crap written only to make money. I hate Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson now. So much.
I have read a few of those, namely dune and the foundation series. The first few dune books rocked(as did the entire foundation series) some of the later dune books started to suck though.
The honor harrington series was good from David Weber and it is all space combat fleet actions. Starfist series from Sherman, mostly ground pounding though.
If you like the space battles and the clash of civilizations type stuff (like the better Star Wars novels and the 'exciting' parts of Ender's Game) then I highly recommend the 'Conquerors Trilogy' by Timothy Zahn.

Zahn is a very good writer who is probably most famous for his military sci-fi but some of his most acclaimed work is literary sci-fi. 'Cobra' reminded me of Starship Troopers in many ways (the novel, not the movie).

The Conquerors trilogy is a very fast and entertaining read. Probably my favorite 'space opera' series. Definitely one of the best, pound per pound (it is 3 concise novels all around 400 pages in paperback).

If you are in the mood for an extremely imaginative and pretty exciting (most of the time) space opera then I might recommend the Nights Dawn trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton. It is very long (and towards the end it loses focus a bit) but the universe that he has created is incredibly kick-ass and the story really pulls you in and (most of the time) moves quickly and has a lot of action and interesting stuff.
Speaking of Zahn, would have been interesting to see Thrawn slipped into Episode 3 someplace. No one but the fan boys would have gotten it but such a kickass character needed some screen time.
The Legacy of the Aldenata series, by John Ringo. <---- The first two books, available in a bunch of electronic formats, free from the publisher. "A Hymn Before Battle" is the first book, "Gust Front" the second. The third is "When the Devil Dances", fourth is "Hell's Faire" - Sidestory books include "Cally's War" and "The Hero", both are post-mainseries events so far and The Hero is a milennium past.
Short - humanity gets allies and enemies in space, starts smashing fucks and getting their fucks smashed with power armor on an epic scale. Long -
Empire of Man series, by John Ringo and David Weber - First two books are here as well, March Upcountry and March to the Sea. Free, from the publisher, to spark your interest in the rest of the series.
this is an odd one. Its scifi, with a "shipwrecked" twist - the first three books (March Upcountry, March to the Sea, March to the Stars) are all primarilly lowtech warfare, conducted by the Imperial Marine bodyguards of the biggest wanker in the royal family. The fourth and newest book is all high tech, with a ton of space warfare strategy in it.
The Dahak Series, by Dave Weber - First book, Mutineer's Moon, is available here. The Armagheddon Inheritance and Heirs of Empire finish out the series for now, word is we might get another book sometime.
While the Honor series by weber is more a technical kind of thing, filled with stats and so forth, this series is more of a grand space opera.

Oh, and the first book, Mutineer's Moon? ADV has had an anime series in the works for like, ever. It might even not cock up the book too bad.
Oh, the first couple Honor books are at that site as well. Can you tell I read an absolute shitload of Baen scifi, or what?
The original dune series and azimov stuff are excellent. Sequels are sad. For more up to date (and lets face it even the classics get a bit dated - anyone read Space Ranger lately?) try:

Iain M Banks - Anything from the Culture series. I'd particularly recomend Look to Windward, Use of Weapons and my personal favourite The Player of Games. These do not have to be read in any sequence.

Banks is from Scotland. I'm fairly sure his books should be available everywhere now, they are certainly worth looking for. Caution, he also writes a lot of non sci-fi, so check the spec before buying.
Vialls2 said:
The original dune series and azimov stuff are excellent. Sequels are sad. For more up to date (and lets face it even the classics get a bit dated - anyone read Space Ranger lately?) try:

Iain M Banks - Anything from the Culture series. I'd particularly recomend Look to Windward, Use of Weapons and my personal favourite The Player of Games. These do not have to be read in any sequence.

Banks is from Scotland. I'm fairly sure his books should be available everywhere now, they are certainly worth looking for. Caution, he also writes a lot of non sci-fi, so check the spec before buying.
Bullshit. Before you read Look to Windward, read Consider Phelbas. I read them out of order, and I wish I hadnt.

Oh, and Use of Weapons... brilliantly savage.
My vote goes to Dune series. Best sci-fi books ever.. and while it's not all out bew bew bew sci-fi, it is make you shiver while reading it because it's so awesome sci-fi (which is the best kind).