[SC2] want DotA on SC2? say hi to "Storm of the Imperial Sanctum"


Veteran XV
used to play wc3 DotA quite a bit,

tried HoN
tried LoL

neither really worked for me. Maybe its because I love blizzard games and how their game engines are,

"SoIS" is a VERY good dota adaptation and all fans of the original wc3 version (and HoN/LoL players) should give it a shot. It is new, and being updated constantly for balancing/bugs.

heres a 5min trailer of the map:

YouTube - ‪Storm of the Imperial Sanctum (Map Preview)‬‎!

here is a gameplay video:


and here is their main website:

Storm of the Imperial Sanctum, a custom map by ekcolnovkol

add me sizzleSTYLE.513 if you want to group up and play games anytime
looks sick

soooo now at least I have a reason to buy SC2, even if I end up sucking at the game lol

i fuckin loved hon
as cool as it looks having the entire screen blow up during certain spells would get rather tiresome
as cool as it looks having the entire screen blow up during certain spells would get rather tiresome

its def exaggerated,

checkout the gameplay trailer, or better yet, try it out :D

its UMS so obv, u wont go from diamond->plat if you lose :p
This is just the first dota-style clone that has come out. I'm sure some other team is working on a better version as we speak.