Samsung Epic II or iPhone 5

didn't the bionic come in pretty much last place in all of the benchmarks? I think the Atrix even killed it and that phone is ancient.
didn't the bionic come in pretty much last place in all of the benchmarks? I think the Atrix even killed it and that phone is ancient.

yes it was a huge letdown

to the average person it doesnt matter but still its just not up to par, I was kind of hoping motorola would finally make a real comeback the droid and droid x were ok but motorola can't seem to be consistent
ugh i dont know of any apps that dont exist on android that are equivalent besides some dumb games

I don't play games on my phone, but the language and anatomy apps in android market are extremely lacking. If you can point me to some high quality ones for android, I'll go with an S II in a second.
I don't play games on my phone, but the language and anatomy apps in android market are extremely lacking. If you can point me to some high quality ones for android, I'll go with an S II in a second.

not sure :shrug: im not big on apps if u legit need those apps then i guess stay on iphone
Yeah, the only reason I still have an iphone is because of the apps. Been waiting for the others to catch up so I can switch. But that hasn't happened yet.
i have a vision same phone its awesome

were u not the one cheering that iphones got u laid or something two months ago? good to see u changed, and yes HTC is the best overall still imho but samsung has nicer screens to the point where i might change

uh, not that I can remember. I probably said expensive phones can help get you laid, what with them being a symbol of wealth and all


just hapless
I got the Galaxy S2, it's awesome and I have no complaints whatsoever.

But I'd wait for the iPhone5 to actually release before making a decision.
I returned my bionic after 2 weeks of use. It's alright but hard to justify paying $300 for it when there are much better phones coming out within a month.

The pentile screen was noticeably pixelated. It wasn't a huge deal but you could see it. The battery life was terrible in my experience but I guess all 4g phones have that issue. It also had some issues with an annoying high pitched sound through any headphones.

I don't think anyone has cracked the bootloader yet have they?
when? my current phone is fucked, need another one pretty damned soon.
i understand your pain; i was in the same spot last summer when i waited a month to get my galaxy s.

the quick answer is: we don't know. Rogers will be eager to get out an lte phone and be first to market in canada. the lte htc jetstream will be coming oct 18th; one can guess the s2 lte phone will be within a couple weeks after that.

Complete pricing of Rogers upcoming LTE devices (Jetstream, Galaxy S II and Rocket Stick) |

rogers lte is currently available in toronto, ottawa, montreal and vancouver...

if i were you and was going to renew a contract, i would say it's worth waiting for the LTE phone
I currently have an Optimus t (my first smart phone) and will be upgrading this Christmas. When I get my new phone is there a way to root the old phone so the wifi will still work to surf the web? Also how do you root a phone and what are the major benefits of doing so?
how do you know? what else will they have avail?
its been announced; plus that link has the leaked pricing for their lte tab, phone and turbo stick. so far that's the only lte phone we know about. Bell hasn't said much about their first lte phone to my knowledge.

what we don't know is which carrier will launch the nexus prime and whether or not it will launch with an lte model available right away.