S. Africa prison gangs use AIDS rape as punishment

Well Jose. The thing is, there are lots of programs in africa that try to teach them about sex education/etc. Unfortunately because of their culture they ignore it and continue having babies/sex.

To be honest the only thing that'll stop africa's rampant aids/poverty problem would probably be a revival of religion. Religion whether true or false, gives people moral guidelines to go by, and work ethics to try to keep up.

If people say got married with both people being virgins over there, HIV wouldn't spread/would greatly drop off. Or if they even used condoms. The problem with africa is rampant immorality and an overbearing culture which basically continues the cycle of tons of kids, HIV, and dying early.

Big Monkey said:
While it is not very smart to seem to just make the problem worsen by having more kids in such a fooked enviornment, you also cannot so easily pass judgement and say "it's their own fault cuz they are domb".

You know half the story and have no clue what life is like for them.

Try having a little compassion, mercy and grace to those you so quickly judge. Sometimes life is cruel and good people can become victims of their enviornments.

Given the choice, do you really think that they'd CHOOSE to live like that?

Too bad there are no africans here who can testify and give some real input to the people here who say "fuck them" while eating their turkey and trying to decide on the best bang for the buck on their next christmas present to themselves.
xpdnc said:
Only 1-2 survive because of overpopulation, which causes crowded living conditions (and disease), starvation, etc.

If they had less kids more would survive.

I agree with zp.
unfortunately the t1 editor didn't include the ability to mirror the map, so one side will almost always have an advantage

take DS on SB in a pub and you'll see what i mean :p
|vm| said:
wow you'd make a great sociology teacher zp

people starving/dying every day is a good thing? nice...
AIDS, Bubonic Plague, Small Pox, etc are all various ways for nature to keep the population in line. Malthus I think was the guy who thought of that... could be wrong.
Wow. The amount of ignorance in this thread makes me feel physically ill.

AIDS is NOT something to joke about (IMHO). More than 30% of the African population has AIDS. That is A LOT. I read an article in the paper saying that this percentage is going to start taking an economic toll on the region because fewer and fewer people are able to work.

In a classroom of 100 students children were asked how many had lost a teacher to AIDS in the past year. Just about every child raised his or her hand.

I don't think you guys realize what this means. If you are a person living in Africa, that means each person you date, anyone you love has a 1/3 chance of having AIDS. Next time you are on the bus imagine what it means for 1/3 of the passengers to have AIDS.

If you met a nice looking girl, who seemed friendly and someone you might like to get to know a little better, she would have a 30% chance of killing you if you were to get married.

If you believe in equality, I don't understand how you can support not helping any person in Africa who needs it. Education will eventually help them, even if it takes years and years.
And besides the more educated they get the more money they make the more of our AIDS fighting meds they can buy.
Originally posted by: ZProtoss

Um, in africa in general, yes the men are making a choice when they go out having unprotected sex. Yes they are making a choice when they have so many kids that they can't feed them all. Maybe if people wisend up in africa, had protected sex, had LOW amounts of kids, (1-2), there'd would be far less starving children, and there'd be far less aids. These are choices *they* can make.

Also yes condoms are available and in large quantities. US Charities send them over all the time, yet they don't use them because "they aren't a man" if they use them. Fuck them, if they have that attitude then I have no sympathy
Actually, the main reason men in Africa don't use condoms is because it is looked down on by their religion.
There are a lot of reasons for AIDS in Africa but "because they're all immoral nigger animals" isn't one of them.

Look at the white trailer trash in Amercica, they pop out 20 kids as well and they have the same religion/culture. What they don't have is JOBS and MONEY, and when you have those two things you suddenly start to think, "HEY, I just found a way to have fun that DOESN'T INVOLVE SEX!!!"

When your poor as fuck, surrounded by disease and starving then of course your going to be pre-occupied with getting some ass, wtf else are you going to do?

I do however believe that desperate times call for desperate measures. IMO some charity group or other should set up a "contract" fund that Africans can sign.

Basically a fund like that would say "we'll build you a house, provide you with clothes, clean water and food, but in return you agree to be permanently sterilised."

That wouldn't cure AIDS of course but it would go a long way towards reducing the massive overpopulation in a semi-humanistic way. The population in Afirca will find equilibrium one way or another, whether we do it through science or let nature do through starvation and disease is a choice that WE have to make.
Jagonath said:
When your poor as fuck, surrounded by disease and starving then of course your going to be pre-occupied with getting some ass, wtf else are you going to do?

Worry about eating?

I think this opinion of your's is full of shit.
You people assume that most africans even know about aids or how it's transmitted? lol, ignorant idiots.

Education is the key to wiping out the AIDS epidemic in africa - not throwing condoms at them.
way to read the thread Beav

it's already been established that a high percentage of children in Africa who have been taught about safe sex and AIDS don't change their sexual behaviors anyway

way to be an "ignorant idiot"
i like the part where beavis comes in and proclaims us idiots, even though we proved his statement wrong before he even posted, using an AIDS awareness site to do it :/
One study and one group of researchers, wow... gotta be fact right there. :rolleyes:

If you think Africans are anywhere near as educated about AIDS and HIV as we are here, then you are simply clouded by ignorance, yes.
i never said they were as educated as we are, i just said that the ones that are educated ignore what they're taught

if you'd like to continue this debate, plz provide citations to back yourself up, otherwise you're just as ignorant as they are