Ryson's ASE Exploit?

This might explain why I've seen such a boosted interest in the ASE in AV.

Too bad I got through most of AV the old fashioned way.
If you don't know to go to thottbot and type in Ryson to figure this out, you probably don't need the rewards that exhalted gives you.
ok got this off the wow forums in the thread tazol was talking about...

"Yes, it is very easily possible. Find yourself a group of 3 frieds, and get Ryson's Eye. Take it to the turn in and do a series of events that allow you to turn in the quest infinately, gaining 75 rep each turn in. i know quite a few people with lobotimizers and unstoppable forces because of this. It really needs to be looked into. "

and how does it work?

"once you turn it in the eye drops right next to ryson, you pick it up, turn it in, pick it up again, and repeat until exalted. "