[rubber band ligation] let's talk hemmies


Veteran XX
so how many of u fucks have gone through rubber band ligation

it's this wonderful process


i had this shit done for the fourth fucking time last friday and my asshole hurt for three days straight

i know people who take it up the ass every weekend and they have zero problems but i keep getting hemmies over and over again while just using it to take shits

anyone got any tips?
Stay hydrated, especially when ur partying on more than alcohol cuz it dries your shit into a massive stone that rips your hole to shreds.
i do have to add that i have IBS and I'm "stuck" all the time all over my bowels so i sadly need to push

i try not to

this shit is killing me

please all-knowing gods of TW give me more tips
so how many of u fucks have gone through rubber band ligation

it's this wonderful process

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i had this shit done for the fourth fucking time last friday and my asshole hurt for three days straight

i know people who take it up the ass every weekend and they have zero problems but i keep getting hemmies over and over again while just using it to take shits

anyone got any tips?

one, stop being a pussy, most people have hemorrhoids, you're no different.

two, stop sitting on the toilet reading books/phone for hours at a time.
bro these are hemmies of death

this shit's been wrecking me for a year now

you don't know a sore asshole like that even tho ur gay as fuck
i've been chronically ill for the last ten years

yet i work fulltime and go to the gym 3/4 times per week, while running on 2/3 of the other days

it's rough but I'm not a pussy

are you?
Working out doesn't have much to do with your asshole pal. Try eating a better diet and drinking more water.
Wow you have a job congrats lol

Yes sehvi most of us also work full time.

You've one-upped me with the chronic illness. Unfortunately I'm in great health.
I do drink a lot of water and am mindful of what I eat.

IBS is a bitch though. I had a colonoscopy two years ago and they couldn't find a thing. Bowels all look perfect (thankfully though), so it's just IBS. But it "behaves" like an intense Crohn's disease.


Wow you have a job congrats lol

Yes sehvi most of us also work full time.

You've one-upped me with the chronic illness. Unfortunately I'm in great health.

If you're seriously dealing with chronic illness working fulltime is hard. And it's pretty easy here to get sickness benefits, but i don't want that. I like money. :k
IBS is a cop-out for doctors who can't diagnose your actual problem. Just my 2 cents.
Could be, but I did most of the shit i had to do. Camera up my ass, camera up my throat (that one was horrible btw) etc.

It's also kind of weird because it comes and goes in waves. I can feel "ok" for a month and then it's shit again etc.
There are plenty of programs for IBS where you can determine which foods are irritants. Its a huge pain the ass that takes months to figure out but it will solve your problem. My wife has that shit, she can barely eat anything these days. Keeps her super fit though :)
Have you been tested for SIBO?
Nope, will look into that. Thanks!

Nope, no issues with my ass. Maybe I’ve made some good decisions in life.
Yeah twenty years of living like a retard definitely must've played a role here. But all in all I've always eaten pretty healthy.

There are plenty of programs for IBS where you can determine which foods are irritants. Its a huge pain the ass that takes months to figure out but it will solve your problem. My wife has that shit, she can barely eat anything these days. Keeps her super fit though :)
I've seen a dietician for a while and went through a lot, but we never could find anything that would intensify it. I think one of the most important thinks was stopping with drinking. Alcohol's pretty bad for your bowels so yeah there's that.
Nope, will look into that. Thanks!

Yeah twenty years of living like a retard definitely must've played a role here. But all in all I've always eaten pretty healthy.

I've seen a dietician for a while and went through a lot, but we never could find anything that would intensify it. I think one of the most important thinks was stopping with drinking. Alcohol's pretty bad for your bowels so yeah there's that.

All these years of attempting to solve your problem and not one person has suggested it could be SIBO? Times like these you have to ask yourself what all those years of university between you and your doctors was actually good for :LOL:

Good luck.

Why are you assholes so nice?

I kind of made this thread for all of you to dunk on me.. and look how supportive you all are.

Past October I got butthole surgery so they can remove three of the fuckers. I dont give a shit what anyone says about hydration etc., nothing works. Or, well, I could not find any patterns at all in my diet etc that would suggest something I did or did not consume caused them to flare.

My best advice is to drink Metamucil every night until you can have some of them removed. Just be mindful of the sugar free Metamucil as it has aspartame and, yeah, no.
Damn @samUwell that's rough. I asked my doc if it would be possible to have surgery and get 'em cut... but he replied saying that it's possible, but there's a possible your sphincter won't work as intended anymore afterward.... so yeah i kind of decided to keep rubber bandin' 'em. :D

I hope you're feeling better now!

Oh and by the way I throw two scoops of psyllium seeds in my protein shakes everyday, but tbh I don't feel it changes a lot. :(