Rise of the Immortals.

Downloading update, 12%. I watched a few videos on youtube. It looks like league of legends with starcraft 2 level graphics. my expectations are high.
Got a key, installed, played a game.

This is perfect for anyone who ever played LoL or HoN and thought to themselves “you know what they should do? Fuck up the graphics and make the gameplay less fun”.

The only good thing about this game is that atleast both LoL and HoN fans can now agree that whilst they may loathe the other side, atleast they aren’t playing Rise of the Immortals.
Graphics technology for this game is definitely better than LoL, but the overall art style and design choices seem really cheesy and kind of amateurish. I'll see how it plays though.

Also they went with the Strength / Agility / Intelligence of DoTA/HoN....which IMO really is not ideal. It was originally that way only because thats how Warcraft III had their heroes set up if I remember correctly? There are a lot better ways to organize things. Not saying LoL did it the best, but at least they didn't stick to a 10 year old workaround system.
The ones commenting about the art in a closed beta are the same ones that never saw the art in early post beta league of legends.
If you're just going to shit on it, get the fuck out of the thread. Jesus Christ.

Let people try it and form their OWN opinions.
i can only hope you give this a fair assessment without some psychological defense like: i want to believe another game is better because feeder trolls dropped my LoL rank
I played a couple of games of this, it was all right...better than i'd guessed

They have a weird lobby system where you actually walk around as your character before you join a game for....?? reason

The graphics grow on you pretty quickly, but I feel like there isn't enough feedback as far as when you cast spells or when other people cast spells. I think the animations need to be more expressive/noticeable. Also last hitting feels a lot different, and seems easier? tough to describe.

Almost pointless to comment on balance at this early point. The last game I played went about 85 minutes long, which means they at least need to make creeps get stronger/faster so they can push harder. Also the item selections felt really limited but again they may just be trying to establish an initial balance.

A few things that are different from lol/hon/dota:
there's a potion you can buy that increases the gold you earn until you die
also there are 2 potion slots in addition to the 6 item slots
every character seems to have 3 skills, plus an ultimate, plus an ultimate-ultimate (the guy i was playing had about a 6 minute cooldown on this)
item upgrading is different. there is no recipe or combining items, you just buy an item then level it up. i think i like LoL better because your build order can vary more as you get different parts to an end game item
Looks pretty lame from the vid in OP. I'll maybe try it out if enough people report that it's good.